Dynamic Variable Naming / Variable Variables / Indirect Variable Access

I've been told this is impossible in C so I have very little hope it's possible in P, but what I'm trying to do is use this for a textdraw system, whereby the name the variable containing the textdraw is referenced dynamically, such as:

Storing the Textdraw Variable names
pawn Code:
new Array[1][1] = {
Referencing the Variable Name
pawn Code:
new Text:Array[0][0] = TextDrawCreate(blaa blaa);
Obviously this doesn't work, but any idea on a system that would achieve similar results? What I'm trying to achieve is a none-static system, otherwise applying the textdraw effects has to be done on individual textdraw names which is not an option...

If this isn't a clear enough explanation, it is somewhat achieved with PHP's $$Variable system.

Is this?
pawn Code:
new Text:TextDrawID[2];

TextDrawID[0] = TextDrawCreate(...);
TextDrawID[1] = TextDrawCreate(...);

He means using a string as a variable name, I assume. No this isn't possible as far as I know, as variable names are only pre-compile, they 'disappear' (for lack of a better word..) at compile time.

Yeah that's what I thought. Only alternative I've been able to come up with so swap the variable names with array indexes, but going to experiment with this tomorrow.

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