Need Help Making Server Public

I have tried to make my server public recently, but my server is still not public.

  • I have added Inbound and Outbound Rules on my firewall, they are both on port 7777.
  • I have port-forwarded to the device I'm running the server off through my router.
My server does still not show public, I tried using to try and verify my port was open and it said connection timed out (If this URL is classed as advertising please remove.)

I'll provide images below, I also provided an image of my serverfile.

Can anybody help.


I've posted this twice now and nobody replies?
Is this forum dead or does nobody know...


Try changing the "lanmode 0" in server.cfg to "lanmode 1"

What Type Your Server Shows? Locked? or Private?

There is many problems with portforward on different routers. The thing i needed to do was to create a subdomain for the server to show for me. But in this case i dont really know but i have some suggestons.

Restart your router, for the ports to open your router need to be restarted to update.
Also open ports in your antivirus program if you have any.
Try to give your IP to another person to see if he can connect to the server.
But maybe the smartest thing to do is asking the company that gave you internet.

That lan mode needed to be changed like ShOoBy said but if that didn't work just check your lan ip to make sure you didn't get a new dhcp lease.

disable your windows firewall

Change your lanmode 0 to lanmode 1 then portforward your router.

Why not just purchase a host?

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