Tempban - command!?

A'iight, I tried it for weeks now, I don't GET how to script a tempban-command! There should be 1 - 23 hours available to ban a player, I just don't get how to script it. This is a request, by the way, I have no clue on how to script it. Thanks!

pawn Код:
//tempBanned command
new HoursBanned,
    BannedTill = (HoursBanned*60*60*1000)+GetTickCount();

    //save here BannedTillinside file
    //and in his file make variable tempBanned = 1;
//under on player connect
if(/*loading tempbanned here*/ == 1 && /*loading BannedTill fro file*/ ? GetTickCount()) Kick(playerid); //his tempban didn't restart yet.
Thing is when you restart server it all restarts

Everyone I asked told me the same as you until yet, I exactly don't get the places where you commented, lol.

Originally Posted by [MG]Dimi
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Thing is when you restart server it all restarts
Therefore you normally use the unix timestamp

I am using as example the dudb file system, so its quite clear what the code does
pawn Код:
CMD:tempban(playerid, params[]) {
    if(sscanf(params, "uis", id, hours, params)) {
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Usage: \"/ban <playerid><hours><reason>\"");
    } else {
        if(id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Player not found");
        } else {
            if(0 < hours < 24) {
                // some nice messages to the players
                // the unix timestap is in seconds, so we convert the hours to seconds
                dUserSetINT(PlayerName(id)).("ban", (gettime() + (hours * 60 * 60)));
            } else {
                SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You can only ban him for 1 - 23 hours!");
    return true;
pawn Код:
// OnPlayerConnect
        banned = dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("ban")
    if(banned) {
        if(banned == 1) { // default ban without time
        } else {
            if(banned < gettime()) { // reset his ban
                dUserSetInt(PlayerName(playerid)).("ban", 0);
            } else { // if the time hasnt passed kick him

Alright, thank you! Since I'm not very familiarized with saving systems (and I'm using INI (SII)), could you convert those lines into my case? Would be cool, then I could experiment with it!

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