
Well,how to create when a player uses /getbankmoney, and to say, EROR:The bank Isn't Robbing, how to create when the bank is robbing to acces in /getbankmoney, if the bank isn't robbing to say EROR:The bank Isn't Robbing

All this can be done with variables. I made a quick example using items in pockets for a player. This isn't a /getbankmoney command. Try to learn what the code does, and learn how to make it for YOUR command.
pawn Код:
    bool:PocketFull[MAX_PLAYERS] = false; // Define a new boolean for the items, and set it to false for each player.
CMD:grab(playerid, params[]) // If they type the command "/grab"
    // Then it'll check if the player's pockets are full
    if(PocketFull == true) // If they are full
        // Then it'll send the message below.
        SendClientMessage(playeird, -1, "Your pockets are already full!");
        return 1;
    else // If the player's pockets aren't full
        PocketFull[playerid] = true; // This makes it so their pockets are full.
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have picked up something.");
    return 1;

CMD:eat(playerid, params[]) // If the player typed the command "/eat"
    // The line below will check if the player's pockets are full.
    if(PocketFull[playerid] == true) // So if they are full
        PocketFull[playerid] = false; // Then make their pockets empty.
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your pockets are empty.");
        return 1;
    else if(PocketFull[playerid] = false; // If they are empty.
        // Then it'll send them the message below.
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your pockets are empty!");
    return 1;

Like this ?
new NotRobbed[MAX_PLAYERS] = false;
in cmd /hackbank
NotRobbed[playerid] = true;
in cmd /robbank
if(NotRobbed[playerid] = false;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "EROR:The bank Isn't Robbind,get out of here...!");

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