Learning to script


I am currently scripting a server for fun, and one day hoping to become good at scripting so I
can script a server myself, or script for other communities.

On learning how to script, what do you suggest?

Do you suggest I start a script from scratch, and try building something from there, or get a gamemode
base and start scripting from there?

I am trying to script roleplay servers. Please, come with any helpful advice, I really appreciate it.

When you make plans / To do-list on your server, how do you set up your plans?

Roleplay is quite harder to script than a stunt/dm server. But sure, you would always start by learning the callbacks and what they do, get used to different functions, make simple commands. After you learned the pawn basics, as you may know every single gm uses a saving system. I would suggest you to learn y_ini as it's the fastest. Took me about a week to get used to it.

If you would like starting from an already made gamemode, just don't choose godfather, if you want from scratch, look for a clean gamemode which only contains the basic things and you could easily work on it. I prefer scratch as it's a lot more easier to handle your own code than other's code.

You may also start using Notepad++ with Slice's modifications. It's a lot more user friendly and has a better working interface. As for my plans, i always open up a new page and write down bullet points of different things I have to do. I always add new things and delete those which I finished and I'm happy with.

It's always hard at the beginning, I`m in my 3rd year of samp scripting and I've already learned most of the functions and stuff by hand. It's really handy after you get used to them, takes you a lot less to script commands and vehicle/player systems.

Also, go to the Tutorial section of this forum. You will find a lot of helpful stuff over there, and remember, you can always make a new topic here asking for help in case of a problem.

Good luck!

I would agree with you KreeDz that roleplay servers are much harder to script. You would always start by learning the callbacks and what they do and also get used to different functions, create some simple commands. After you have learned the PAWN scripting basics, you might find it a bit easier to script a roleplay server but I don't recommend you script a server like that as it is complicated.

Be creative and script a unique server like you have never seen before. Scripting was hard for me but I'm almost in my second year of SA:MP scripting and I've almost learned most of the functions of by heart. It's actually helpful after you get used to scripting the functions and doesn't take long to script commands, vehicle / player systems.

You can also check out the tutorial area on the SA:MP forum where you will find some helpful stuff and if you are in need of any help with scripting, you can make a thread any time explaining your problems and the people can help you out.

If you need any help, you can hit me up with a private message and I'll teach you some basics.. Good luck man

- Sean aka sniperwars

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