0.3e - Cellphone


I wan't to know what's going on. My mouse cursor is under the cellphone on the screen and it's 'catching' my buttons from the cellphone. Anyone know what's going on?


By the way THIS SCRIPT works only on 0.3e R5. I've tested it. Why it works like that? something has been broken in RC6? It won't to take a number to the cellphone display in this script.

That's all. Two questions.

Try decreasing your TextDrawTextSize , and check which one will be correct for you :

pawn Код:
//if alignment is 2(center) decreasing 2 parameter will decrease x-axis value and 3 parameter y-axis , try decreasing it :)  
TextDrawTextSize(Mobile[5], 25.000000, 18.000000);

Okey i will check this. But, Kye can't make it more accurate? I saw it's not working how it would. Textdraws what's too close to other will select both of them. It's weird.

I'm going to check your proposal.

Damn.. i don't know what to do now. Can you help me, please? I can't help by myself.

pawn Код:
Textdraw[8] = TextDrawCreate(508.000000, 354.000000, "1..");
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw[8], 255);
    TextDrawFont(Textdraw[8], 2);
    TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw[8], 0.370000, 1.100000);
    TextDrawColor(Textdraw[8], -1);
    TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw[8], 0);
    TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw[8], 1);
    TextDrawSetShadow(Textdraw[8], 1);
    TextDrawTextSize(Textdraw[8], 3.000000, 5.000000);

I wirte on wrong topic, sorry.

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