14.04.2012, 22:35
I started a new GM, and, if i want to add a command, it dosen't work. No errors, but in game don't appear nothing if I enter the command.
Sorry for my English.
Sorry for my English.
I started a new GM, and, if i want to add a command, it dosen't work. No errors, but in game don't appear nothing if I enter the command.
Sorry for my English. |
if (strcmp (Comanda, "/asetadmin", true) == 0) { new Mesaj [256]; new Format [256]; new Trimitator [MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new Receptor [MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new Receptor_ID; if (PlayerInfo [playerid] [pAdmin] == 4) { Format = strtok (cmdtext, Variabila); if (!strlen (Format)) { SendClientMessage (playerid, 0xFFFFFF, "{CC0000}*** {336633}[Informatie] {FFCC99}Formatul corect al acestei comenzi este : '/asetadmin [ID Jucator] [Nivel Admin]'. {CC0000}***"); return 1; } Receptor_ID = ReturnUser (Format); Format = strtok (cmdtext, Variabila); new Nivel = strval (Format); if (Receptor_ID != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { GetPlayerName (Receptor_ID, Receptor, sizeof (Receptor)); GetPlayerName (playerid, Trimitator, sizeof (Trimitator)); PlayerInfo [Receptor_ID] [pAdmin] = Nivel; format (Mesaj, sizeof (Mesaj), "{CC0000}*** {336633}[Informatie] {FFCC99}Ai fost promovat la statutul de Admin Level %d de Administratorul %s. Felicitari. {CC0000}***", Nivel, Trimitator); SendClientMessage (Receptor_ID, 0xFFFFFF, Mesaj); format (Mesaj, sizeof (Mesaj), "{CC0000}*** {336633}[Informatie] {FFCC99}L-ai promovat la statutul de Admin Level %s pe %d. Speram sa nu dezamageasca. {CC0000}***", Receptor, PlayerInfo [Receptor_ID] [pAdmin]); SendClientMessage (playerid, 0xFFFFFF, Mesaj); } else if (Receptor_ID == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { format (Mesaj, sizeof (Mesaj), "{CC0000}*** {336633}[Informatie] {FFCC99}%i nu este conectat pe server. Verifica daca ai scris ID-ul corect. {CC0000}***", Receptor_ID); SendClientMessage (playerid, 0xFFFFFF, Mesaj); } } else { SendClientMessage (playerid, 0xFFFFFF, "{CC0000}*** {336633}[Informatie] {FFCC99}Nu esti autorizat sa folosesti aceasta comanda. Ia legatura cu unul din membrii echipei noastre pentru mai multe detalii. {CC0000}***"); } return 1; }