11.04.2012, 19:59
I saw that some servers haves:
It shows the time before the chat, How?
It shows the time before the chat, How?
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
hours, // Variable for hours
minutes, // Variable for minutes
seconds, // Variable for seconds
string[128], // String
name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] // String for name
GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); // Get the typer's name
gettime(hours, minutes, seconds); // Get the time and store it into the variables above
format(string,sizeof(string),"[%d:%d:%d] %s says: %s",hours,minutes,seconds,name,text); // Formats the text with the time variables
SendClientMessageToAll( -1, string); // Send the message to all
return 0; // Returning 0 will disable the traditional SAMP chat.