09.04.2012, 09:26
Hey guys, now im trying to create count down with timers but i have a prob
the prob. is...when i write /test the 1,2,3 countdowns dont appear as gametext...only the final one (boom)
here is the code:
the prob. is...when i write /test the 1,2,3 countdowns dont appear as gametext...only the final one (boom)
here is the code:
forward boom(); forward one(); forward two(); forward tre(); new ob; //onfsinit ob = CreateObject(srry private code); //onplayercommandtext { if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/test", true, 10)==0) { SetTimer("boom", 4000, 0); SetTimer("tre", 1000, 0); SetTimer("two", 2000, 0); SetTimer("one", 3000, 0); return 1; } return 0; } public boom() { MoveObject(ob, srry private code); GameTextForAll("~r~BOOM!", 3000,3); return 1; } public one() { GameTextForAll("3 seconds until launch", 3000,3); return 1; } public two() { GameTextForAll("2 seconds until launch", 3000,3); return 1; } public tre() { GameTextForAll("1 seconds until launch", 3000,3); return 1; } |