my /id command

static pname[128], pping, pid[256], ID;
if(sscanf(params, "i", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "ERROR: You must use /id [playerid]");
pping = GetPlayerPing(ID);
GetPlayerName(ID, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(pid, sizeof(pid), "Name: %s Ping: %i", pname, pping);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, pid);
return 1;

theres no errors but i cant /id anyone

use the "u" sscanf specifier for players, otherwise you will always need to input the player's ID.

pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params, "i", ID)) // noob
if(sscanf(params, "u", ID)) // dope
i also want to recommend to lower the cell size of "pid", no more than 64 for such string is ok.

ok cool thanks bro,
but this randomly happened out of no where when I tryed to compile

C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(159) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(159) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(159) : error 004: function "OnPlayerSpawn" is not implemented
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(164) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(164) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(164) : error 004: function "OnPlayerDeath" is not implemented
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(169) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(169) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(169) : error 004: function "OnVehicleSpawn" is not implemented
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(174) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(174) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(174) : error 004: function "OnVehicleDeath" is not implemented
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(179) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(179) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(179) : error 004: function "OnPlayerText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(193) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(193) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd_register"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(195) : warning 219: local variable "file" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(195) : warning 219: local variable "pname" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(19 : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(201) : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(202) : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(206) : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(213) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(213) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd_login"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(215) : warning 219: local variable "file" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(216) : warning 219: local variable "pname" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(219) : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(224) : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(235) : warning 219: local variable "locx" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(235) : warning 219: local variable "locy" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(235) : warning 219: local variable "locz" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(246) : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(252) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(252) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd_pay"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(255) : error 017: undefined symbol "sscanf"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(274) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(274) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd_tele"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(27 : warning 219: local variable "locx" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(27 : warning 219: local variable "locy" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(27 : warning 219: local variable "locz" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(279) : error 017: undefined symbol "sscanf"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(289) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(289) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd_id"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(291) : warning 219: local variable "pname" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(292) : error 017: undefined symbol "sscanf"
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(301) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Users\Keiren\Desktop\Used\Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\gamemodes\aussieroleplay.pwn(301) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

my script is -

// This is a comment
// uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript

#include <a_samp>
#include <dini>
#include <dudb>
#include <dutils>

#define red 0xFF0000AA
#pragma unused ret_memcpy

new PlayersOnline = 0;
new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new Stats[256];
#define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, "")))||(((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 32) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1
new level[MAX_PLAYERS];
new logged[MAX_PLAYERS];
//package delivery/////////////////////////
new package;
//car pos////////////////////////////////////
new vehicleID = 3;
new playerVeh = 0;

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

////////////////////My functions//////////////////////////////////
/* */

/* */

public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Blank Filterscript by your name here");
return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;


print(" Aussie Role Play by Keiren");


public OnGameModeInit()
// Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript
SetGameModeText("Aussie RP");
AddPlayerClass(299,1480.6217,-1748.4281,15.4453,359.6967,0,0,0,0,0,0); // spawnpoint
AddStaticVehicle(481,1645.9115,-1902.1017,13.0687,348.7300,1,1); // bmx1
AddStaticVehicle(481,1641.9512,-1900.8263,13.0170,23.0834,65,9); // bmx2
AddStaticVehicle(481,1638.4685,-1897.7772,13.0199,62.0370,12,9); // bmx3


return 1;

public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
//Player Check//////////////////////////////////////
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Welcome to Aussie Role Play!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Dont forget to /register or /login if you already have.");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Do not leave the server without logging in or all of your data will be lost.");
PlayersOnline ++;
new PlayersOnlineString[128];
format(PlayersOnlineString, 128, "There are currently %d people in the server.", PlayersOnline);
//Name Color///////////////////////////////////////////
SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_PISTOL,20 0);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_PISTOL_SI LENCED,200);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_DESERT_EA GLE,200);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_SHOTGUN,2 00);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_SAWNOFF_S HOTGUN,200);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_SPAS12_SH OTGUN,200);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_MICRO_UZI ,200);
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_AK47,200) ;
SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid,WEAPONSKILL_SNIPERRIF LE,200);

return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
//registration Money///////////////////////////////////
new file[256], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(file, sizeof(file), "\\Users\\%s.ini", pname);
dini_IntSet(file, "money", GetPlayerMoney(playerid));
//registration logoff///////////////////////////////////
logged[playerid] = 0;
level[playerid] = 0;
//Player Check//////////////////////////////////////
PlayersOnline -= 1;
new PlayersOnlineString[128];
format(PlayersOnlineString, 128, "There are currently %d people in the server.", PlayersOnline);
//save location//////////////////////////////////////
new Float:locx, Float:locy, Float:locz;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, locx, locy, locz);
dini_FloatSet(file, "X", locx);
dini_FloatSet(file, "Y", locy);
dini_FloatSet(file, "Z", locz);
//armour and health//////////////////////////
new Float:health, Float:armour;
dini_FloatSet(file, "health", health);
dini_FloatSet(file, "armour", armour);

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
return 1;

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
return 1;

public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
return 1;

/* */
/* */

dcmd_register(playerid, params[])
new file[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(file, sizeof(file), "\\Users\\%s.ini", pname);
if(!strlen(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "USAGE:/register [password]");
if(dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You are already registered!");
dini_IntSet(file, "hashPW", udb_hash(params));
dini_Set(file, "password", params);
dini_IntSet(file, "level", 1);
dini_IntSet(file, "money", GetPlayerMoney(playerid));
new string[128];
format(string, 128, "You succesfully registered the nickname %s with password %s", pname, params);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF6FF00FF, string);
logged[playerid] = 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF6FF00FF, "You have been automatically logged in!");
return 1;

dcmd_login(playerid, params[])
new file[128];
new string[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(file, sizeof(file), "\\Users\\%s.ini", pname);
if(!strlen(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "USAGE: /login [password]");
if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You are not registered!");
if(logged[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You are already logged in!");
new tmp;
tmp = dini_Int(file, "hashPW");
if(udb_hash(params) != tmp)
format(string, 256, "You specified the wrong password for %s!", pname);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, string);
logged[playerid] = 1;
level[playerid] = dini_Int(file, "level");
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, dini_Int(file, "money")-GetPlayerMoney(playerid));
//player pos////////////////////////////////
new Float:locx, Float:locy, Float:locz;
locx = dini_Float(file, "X");
locy = dini_Float(file, "Y");
locz = dini_Float(file, "Z");
SetPlayerPos(playerid, locx, locy, locz);
//player armour and health////////////////////////////
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, dini_Float(file, "health"));
SetPlayerArmour(playerid, dini_Float(file, "armour"));
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF6FF00FF, "You have succesfully logged in!");
printf("%s (%i) logged in with password %s", pname, playerid, params);
return 1;
// pay command///////////////////////////////////////////////////
static ID, amount, name[MAX_PLAYERS], string7[200], name2[MAX_PLAYERS], string8[200];
if (sscanf(params, "ii", ID,amount)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000aa, "* Usage: /pay [playerid/name] [amount]");
if (amount > GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000aa, "* You do not have enough money to pay that player!");
if (amount <= 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000aa, "* You can't pay less than 1!");
if (playerid == ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000aa, "* You can't pay yourselve!");

GetPlayerName(ID, name2, sizeof(name2));
format(string8,sizeof(string,"{FFFF00}%s has been paid $%i",name2,amount);

GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(string7,sizeof(string7),"{FFFF00}%s(%d) has paid you: $%i",name,playerid,amount);

return 1;
// admin tele to player//////////////////////////////////////
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You do not have permission to use this command");

static ID, Float:locx, Float:locy, Float:locz;
if (sscanf(params, "u", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "ERROR: You must use /tele [id]");
GetPlayerPos(ID, locx, locy, locz);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, locx, locy+3, locz);
return 1;
// id player////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static pname[32], pping, pid[64], ID;
if (sscanf(params, "u", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "ERROR: You must use /id [playerid]");
pping = GetPlayerPing(ID);
GetPlayerName(ID, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(pid, sizeof(pid), "Name: %s Ping: %i", pname, pping);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, pid);
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
dcmd(register, 8, cmdtext);
dcmd(login, 5, cmdtext);
dcmd(tele, 4, cmdtext);
dcmd(id, 4, cmdtext);

if (strcmp("/enter", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3,1555.0638,-1675.5806,16.1953))
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 10);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 246.40,110.84,1003.22);
return 1;

if (strcmp("/exit", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3,246.2549,108.44 79,1003.218)
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1555.0638,-1675.5806,16.1953);
return 1;
//Town Hall////////////////////////////////////
if (strcmp("/enter", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3,1481.6875,-1771.2379,18.795)
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 3);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, -2031.1196, -115.8287, 1035.1719);
return 1;

if (strcmp("/exit", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3,-2031.1196, -115.8287, 1035.1719))
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1481.6875,-1771.2379,18.795;
return 1;
//Kill Command/////////////////////////////////

if (strcmp("/kill", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, - 1);
if (strcmp("/stats", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
new Float:armour, Float:health;
GetPlayerName(playerid,PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
format(Stats, 256, "Stats - Name: %s, Armour: %0.f, Health: %0.f,", PlayerName, armour, health);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Stats);
if (strcmp("/rules", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Rule 1. No Meta gaming - mixing OOC things IC things.");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Rule 2. No Power gaming - doing somthing you cant do in real life i.e. rob someone and then dance.");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Rule 3. No KOS, Killing on sight");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Rule 4. No DMing or killing someone without a Role play reason");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Rule 5. No logging or alt tabbing to avoid death, arrest or anything else.");

//Buy Car///////////////////////////////////////
if (strcmp("/buycar Bravura", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10, 1667.5986,-1887.8107,13.2885))
if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 5000)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - 5000);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Type /getpackage to pickup a package.");
vehicleID ++;
playerVeh = vehicleID;
new VehString[128];
format(VehString, 128, "You are now using vehicle %i", playerVeh);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, VehString);

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You do not have enough money to buy this");

return 1;

//get package///////////////////////////////////////
if (strcmp("/getpackage", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10, 1667.5986,-1887.8107,13.2885))
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You have the package now deliver it to the town hall. ((/dropoff))");
package = 1;
return 1;

//deliver package///////////////////////////////////////
if (strcmp("/dropoff", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10, 1480.6217,-1748.4281,15.4453))
if (package == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You have delivered the package.");
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2500);
package = 0;
return 1;

//Buy Car help///////////////////////////////////////
if (strcmp("/buycarhelp", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You can /buycar [nameofcar] if at the dealership behind town hall.");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x000ED1FF, "Cars - Bravura:$5000");
//test vehpos//////////////////////////////////////////////
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/mycar", true) == 0)
new vehpostext[96];
format(vehpostext, sizeof(vehpostext), "The vehicle you are currently using is vehicle %i", playerVeh);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFB00FF, vehpostext);
return 1;
//spawn my car/////////////////////////////////////
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/spawnmycar", true) == 0)
new Float, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
SetVehiclePos(playerVeh, x, y, z);
new VehString[128];
format(VehString, 128, "You have spawned vehicle %i", playerVeh);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x26FF00FF, VehString);
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help", true) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "SERVER: HELP");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "SERVER: Command List - /spawnmycar, /mycar, /buycarhelp, /buycar, /deliverhelp, /buycar [], /rules");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "SERVER: Command List - /stats, /kill, /enter, /exit, /register, /login");
//Deliver Help///////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/deliverhelp", true) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "SERVER: Deliver Command List - /getpackage, /dropoff");
return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
return 1;

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint(playerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
return 1;

public OnRconCommand(cmd[])
return 1;

public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
return 1;

public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerObjectMoved(playerid, objectid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
return 1;

public OnVehicleMod(playerid, vehicleid, componentid)
return 1;

public OnVehiclePaintjob(playerid, vehicleid, paintjobid)
return 1;

public OnVehicleRespray(playerid, vehicleid, color1, color2)
return 1;

public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)
return 1;

public OnPlayerExitedMenu(playerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
return 1;

public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
return 1;

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerStreamIn(playerid, forplayerid)
return 1;

public OnPlayerStreamOut(playerid, forplayerid)
return 1;

public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid)
return 1;

public OnVehicleStreamOut(vehicleid, forplayerid)
return 1;

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
return 1;

public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source)
return 1;

stock sscanf(string[], format[], {Float,_}:...)
#if defined isnull
if (isnull(string))
if (string[0] == 0 || (string[0] == 1 && string[1] == 0))
return format[0];
#pragma tabsize 4
formatPos = 0,
stringPos = 0,
paramPos = 2,
paramCount = numargs(),
delim = ' ';
while (string[stringPos] && string[stringPos] <= ' ')
while (paramPos < paramCount && string[stringPos])
switch (format[formatPos++])
case '\0':
return 0;
case 'i', 'd':
neg = 1,
num = 0,
ch = string[stringPos];
if (ch == '-')
neg = -1;
ch = string[++stringPos];
if ('0' <= ch <= '9')
num = (num * 10) + (ch - '0');
return -1;
while ((ch = string[stringPos]) > ' ' && ch != delim);
setarg(paramPos, 0, num * neg);
case 'h', 'x':
num = 0,
ch = string[stringPos];
switch (ch)
case 'x', 'X':
num = 0;
case '0' .. '9':
num = (num << 4) | (ch - '0');
case 'a' .. 'f':
num = (num << 4) | (ch - ('a' - 10));
case 'A' .. 'F':
num = (num << 4) | (ch - ('A' - 10));
return -1;
while ((ch = string[stringPos]) > ' ' && ch != delim);
setarg(paramPos, 0, num);
case 'c':
setarg(paramPos, 0, string[stringPos++]);
case 'f':

new changestr[16], changepos = 0, strpos = stringPos;
while(changepos < 16 && string[strpos] && string[strpos] != delim)
changestr[changepos++] = string[strpos++];
changestr[changepos] = '\0';
case 'p':
delim = format[formatPos++];
case '\'':
end = formatPos - 1,
while ((ch = format[++end]) && ch != '\'') {}
if (!ch)
return -1;
format[end] = '\0';
if ((ch = strfind(string, format[formatPos], false, stringPos)) == -1)
if (format[end + 1])
return -1;
return 0;
format[end] = '\'';
stringPos = ch + (end - formatPos);
formatPos = end + 1;
case 'u':
end = stringPos - 1,
id = 0,
bool:num = true,
while ((ch = string[++end]) && ch != delim)
if (num)
if ('0' <= ch <= '9')
id = (id * 10) + (ch - '0');
num = false;
if (num && IsPlayerConnected(id))
setarg(paramPos, 0, id);
#if !defined foreach
#define foreach(%1,%2) for (new %2 = 0; %2 < MAX_PLAYERS; %2++) if (IsPlayerConnected(%2))
#define __SSCANF_FOREACH__
string[end] = '\0';
num = false;
id = end - stringPos;
foreach (Player, playerid)
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof (name));
if (!strcmp(name, string[stringPos], true, id))
setarg(paramPos, 0, playerid);
num = true;
if (!num)
setarg(paramPos, 0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID);
string[end] = ch;
#if defined __SSCANF_FOREACH__
#undef foreach
stringPos = end;
case 's', 'z':
i = 0,
if (format[formatPos])
while ((ch = string[stringPos++]) && ch != delim)
setarg(paramPos, i++, ch);
if (!i)
return -1;
while ((ch = string[stringPos++]))
setarg(paramPos, i++, ch);
setarg(paramPos, i, '\0');
while (string[stringPos] && string[stringPos] != delim && string[stringPos] > ' ')
while (string[stringPos] && (string[stringPos] == delim || string[stringPos] <= ' '))
if ((delim = format[formatPos++]) > ' ')
if (delim == '\'')
while ((delim = format[formatPos++]) && delim != '\'') {}
else if (delim != 'z')
return delim;
while (delim > ' ');
return 0;

never mind I just had to copy all my code to another .pwn file

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