VPS Server on linux - Please help! +REP

Ok, so i downloaded the server files uses wget, i setup the port in my firewall, and i added all my files, and setup the server.cfg file just like its supposed to be. But when i go into the ssh and start the server, it says its started, but when i add the IP:PORT to my list, it jsut says (retrieving info...).. Can someone help me??

+ REP!

Hmm, Okay.

1) Check if the IP & Port were written correctly
2) Make sure the server is running, tell me what it says when It started
3)Make sure you have the server online running.
4) If it still doesn't work, try reinstalling the client

Originally Posted by [D]Stanley
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Hmm, Okay.

1) Check if the IP & Port were written correctly
2) Make sure the server is running, tell me what it says when It started
3)Make sure you have the server online running.
4) If it still doesn't work, try reinstalling the client
Already done all of that, not working.

"Started server on 108.***.***.***:1993, with maxplayers: 100 lanmode is OFF."

Okay, what version is your client?

My SAMP client is 0.3d

Try turning off your firewall.

Nope, didnt help. :/

Also, my VPS is running CentOS, if that helps...

Is the ports forwarded in iptables?

Originally Posted by Cameltoe
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Is the ports forwarded in iptables?
All i did was went to the firewall setting in my VPS panel and forwarded the port im using.

Login as root and add permission on 'announce', also make sure that announce is '1' in server cfg.

mybe your server using External FireWall?
if you are using a External firewall you need to open in the firewall the port.

I know this problem, i just had it. Click on properties on the Announce-file, and select "allow to run this file as a program" and close. Be sure that announce is set to 1 in CFG file, and try again. Show me output of log-file if it doesnt work. I have linux too.

Originally Posted by airplanesimen
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I know this problem, i just had it. Click on properties on the Announce-file, and select "allow to run this file as a program" and close. Be sure that announce is set to 1 in CFG file, and try again. Show me output of log-file if it doesnt work. I have linux too.
You should be running linux with remote desktop, because via ssh, you cannot do that LOL.

Originally Posted by (A)rray
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You should be running linux with remote desktop, because via ssh, you cannot do that LOL.
Yes you can.

chmod +x samp03svr

Originally Posted by VOXrr
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Yes you can.

chmod +x samp03svr
No we can't.
He said:

Click on properties on the Announce-file, and select "allow to run this file as a program" and close. Be sure that announce is set to 1 in CFG file, and try again. Show me output of log-file if it doesnt work. I have linux too.
Since when ssh have gui?

The function is the same, making a binary executable.
Using the gui for that is just a fluffy version of chmod.

If you want me to correct my last post:
chmod +x announce
and if you really, really want to push it.

nano server.cfg
To edit the server config file.

Just because CLI terrifies you, doesn't make it impossible.

Originally Posted by airplanesimen
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I know this problem, i just had it. Click on properties on the Announce-file, and select "allow to run this file as a program" and close. Be sure that announce is set to 1 in CFG file, and try again. Show me output of log-file if it doesnt work. I have linux too.
I do not see where i can apply this, i right clicked > went to properties, and there is not an option as described. :/

Just read through this again; you said you 'setup a port in the firewall'.
Could you paste the iptables entry, or whatever firewall rule you've used?

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