Audio setup for my server - a few questions!

'Sup y'all?

I've got a few questions:

I wanna have a radio command for my server, to play some music with different dialogs of radio stations if a player is in a car! I don't wanna know how to script it, I just wanna know what things I'd need for it? Do I need Incognito's Audio-Plugin? And what do I have to do if I wanna play music for players with the radio, but they WON'T have to download the audio plugin? I just wanna know in which way I'd be able to set up this!

I would just use that.
I dont see the need for a streamer or plugin when its supported in the current release.
(or maybe i missed something)
This way they dont download anything.

Oh, okay, so it's simpler than I thought! But where am I able to upload the audio-files I wanna play for the player?

Originally Posted by Twisted_Insane
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Oh, okay, so it's simpler than I thought! But where am I able to upload the audio-files I wanna play for the player?
i'd say kiwi6 but the sound will play only sometimes, alternatively you could upload them to a host (if you rent one) and hotlink it (if you're allowed to!)

Oh...So, are there also other possibilities

you can rent a shoutcast server

Can't I play music for the players from my own PC?

yes but for that youll need to run your own shoutcast server or the likes

or use the audio plugin.

And if I'd use the audio-plugin, every player has to download it, right?

Also, what exactly is a "shoutcast server", if I may ask?

A shoutcast is a radio streaming server.
You buy a shoutcast account and then you cans tream music from your pc with for example Winamp.

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