[Tutorial] MySQL System And Encriptation

Mysql System Tutorial

This is my first tutorial that I'm making on sa-mp about how to make a secure Mysql system with encrypted passwords.
Hope it will help novices to Mysql.
  1. Have already some pawn knowledge;
  2. Download StrickenKid Mysql Plugin for this tutorial here.
  3. Download Sccanf2 plugin by ****** here.
  4. Download XAMP or Wamp Server and install it.
First Steps:
  • Open phpmyadmin and create a new database named "tutorial".
  • Create a table named playerdb with 5 fields and fill the fields like in the image below.
  • Add this on the top of your script.
    pawn Код:
    #include <a_samp>
    #include <mysql>
    #include <sscanf2>

        print(" Tutorial by : Stuffboy");

    // Colors
    #define COLOR_GRAD 0x6E76ADFF
    #define COLOR_BLUE 0x18A4FFFF

    // Starting out we need to config our Mysql connection details defining it.
    #define MYSQL_HOST "localhost" // Here is the host, you could have your internal IP instead of it.
    #define MYSQL_USER "DBuser" // This is the user for the mysql connection.
    #define MYSQL_PASS "1234" // This is the user password keep it blank.
    #define MYSQL_DB "tutorial" // The database where all will be stored.

    // This is used for the Register and Login part.
    #define LOGIN_DIALOG 1
    #define REGISTER_DIALOG 2

    // Player enumeration where all player information will be stored for e.g the money.
    enum pdb
    password[32], // He use 32 cells because Md5 is based 32 cell encriptation,
    new playerdb[MAX_PLAYERS][pdb];
  • Add this stocks at the end of your script, also I'm going to explain how they work.
    pawn Код:
    stock IsUsernameRegistered(playerid, usernm[])
        new query[50];
        format(query, sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM playerdb WHERE username = '%s'", usernm);
        if(mysql_num_rows() != 0)
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,LOGIN_DIALOG,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Login to Account.","Enter your password below:","Login","Cancel");
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,REGISTER_DIALOG,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Register Account.","Enter your password below:","Register","Cancel");
        return 1;

    stock LoginPlayer(playerid, pass[])
        new query[1000];
        format(query, sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM playerdb WHERE username = '%s' AND password = md5('%s')",playerdb[playerid][username],pass);
        if(mysql_num_rows() != 0)
            if(mysql_fetch_row(query, "|"))
                sscanf(query,"e<p<|>s[24]s[32]iii>", playerdb[playerid]);
                new str[80];
                format(str, sizeof(str),"Welcome %s, you have been loged to your account",playerdb[playerid][username]);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, str);
                SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
                SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
                SetPlayerScore(playerid, playerdb[playerid][score]);
                GivePlayerMoney(playerid, playerdb[playerid][money]);
                playerdb[playerid][loged] = 1; // set player loged variable true
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,LOGIN_DIALOG,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Login to Account.","Wrong password:","Login","Cancel");

    // The syntax of the mysql query of this one os, Update destination, fields and where to update in this case "username".
    stock SavePlayerStats(playerid) // save player stats
        if(playerdb[playerid][loged] == 1)
            new squery[200];
            new pmoney[MAX_PLAYERS];
            pmoney[playerid] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
            format(squery, sizeof(squery),"UPDATE playerdb SET score = %d, money = %d, admin = %d  WHERE username='%s'",
            playerdb[playerid][loged] = 0;
    Explanation of IsUsernameRegistered stock:
    Checking if a player is registered is easy with a sample stock.
    We start out with our query variable with 50 cells;
    The format as it says it selects the table "tutorial" and searches the username with the WHERE function.
    mysql_query send the actions we wan't, to the mysql server and returns values and we store it
    with mysql_store_result.
    The mysql_num_rows counts the rows returned from the query and if it is not zero the player is registered.
    After all this we Show the Dialogs to Register And Login.
    Explanation LoginPlayer stock:
    Note on This SELECT query the password uses the md5() function because of the encriptation,
    also the mysql strings uses always the ' '.
    Again we check if there are rows and we use the function mysql_fetch_row to fetch a whole
    row query. The "|" is a spliter to separete all field in the row.
    The sscanf paths the query values to the player enumeration,
    the characters s[24],s[32] for strings and "i" for intregers.
Now you just need to put this callbacks
on your code, remember to delete older callbacks if you have.
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    mysql_init(); // To initialize.
    mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASS, MYSQL_DB); // Our defines are used here to make the connection
    SetGameModeText("Mysql Tutorial");
    AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
    return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    GetPlayerName(playerid, playerdb[playerid][username], 24); // username is sa-mp defined 24 cells
    IsUsernameRegistered(playerid, playerdb[playerid][username]);
    return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == REGISTER_DIALOG)
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD,"You have been kicked duo the cancelation.");
        new query[100];
        // The register syntax is INSERT INTO destination, the names of the fields and it's values.
        format(query, sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO playerdb (username,password,score,money) VALUES ('%s',md5('%s'),%d,%d)",playerdb[playerid][username],inputtext,1,5000);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,LOGIN_DIALOG,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Login to Account.","Enter your password below:","Login","Cancel");
    if(dialogid == LOGIN_DIALOG)
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD,"You have been kicked duo the cancelation.");
        LoginPlayer(playerid, inputtext);
End of Toturial if you have any questions, problems relate it here.

Not explained properly i think, lot of things are missing.Although the sscanf plugin is by ****** not I_Less

Your english is awful.

Tutorial is ok for whoever understands it.

Originally Posted by coole210
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Your english is awful.

Tutorial is ok for whoever understands it.
That is true , i should get a english book and improve my grammar xD.
- Thanks!

StrickenKid's MYSQL plugin is dead!

No explanation at all.

Where i can download this MYSQL?

Does it works also with this

warning 203: symbol is never used: "pass"

i dont see any " Encriptation" says from title

why not mysql_free_result(); in LoginPlayer stock?

It's doesn't work ... sb help me


This really needs some major changes. I found almost every security vulnerability there could possibly be.

1. Your playertb table does not contain a primary index. You should add field `id`, being unsigned integer with auto increment enabled and used as primary index. After that you should refer to users with their id (in the database), isntead of username for performance reasons.

2. Similarly, username should be set as unique index. It will speed up the time it takes MySQL to find a particular user.

3. You used password[32], which is actually one character too short. The MD5 hash is 32 characters + the end of string character, making it 33. -

4. The query in IsUsernameRegistered fetches more information than necessary. You could just use 'SELECT NULL FROM playerdb...'.

5. A note on your choice of vocabulary: Your hashing the passwords, not encrypting. Encryption is a two way process, hashing is one way (the hash can't be turned back to text)

6. You are using probably the fastest hashing algorithm there is, which is bad when it comes to passwords. This means that the passwords can be relatively easily bruteforced. For reference, here's how quickly a powerful desktop PC can bruteforce MD5 passwords (uppercase, lowercase, numbers):

all 6 character password MD5s 3 seconds
all 7 character password MD5s 4 minutes
all 8 character password MD5s 4 hours
all 9 character password MD5s 10 days
all 10 character password MD5s ~625 days

7. You are not salting the passwords, thus leaving them vulnerable to both dictionary attacks and rainbow tables -- not good.

8. You are not hashing nor escaping user input before formatting the query, leaving your script vulnerable against MySQL injections. Anyone could delete/edit all the records in your table, or even database depending on permissions of the MySQL user.

9. The password is hashed using MySQL's MD5 function. Thus the password is logged in the error logs in plain text if the query fails for any reason.

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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  • Authority
If you write a tutorial people will assume you know what you're talking about - why write a whole tutorial on something you don't know about? If they're doing something a different way they very rarely check which way is better, they simply assume the tutorial way is because it's in a tutorial!

You should have a look at Y_Less's tutorial on how to write a tutorial.
For that reason if you write a tutorial you are effectively saying you have knowledge on a subject and are qualified to write about it.
I'm sorry to say this, but I'd recommend no one to use this script in its current stage. It's just insecure in all ways.

This was written in 2012...

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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This was written in 2012...
Damn lol, very long story in vain...

Why do people keep bumping these old topics?

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