Moving object

this is the 3rd topic i open beacuse this bug.
I have a big bug with the moving object
first,This object must move fine and it's fucked up(i had this mode before and all worked just fine)
I tried to do one myself to take the /opendoor command from other gamemodes and it's won't work!
The /gateopen and the all things work just fine
Before /oepndoor and /closedoor:



the code:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/opendoor", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/od", true) == 0)
            if(IsACop(playerid) || IsASheriff(playerid))
        if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,239.649917,117.577560,1003.218688) && IsACop(playerid))
                    MoveObject(pdd1, 239.5, 120.09999847412, 1003.4000244141,1); // V
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,253.191696,109.082427,1003.225708))
                    MoveObject(pdd2, 253, 111.19999694824, 1003.4000244141,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,253.207733,125.242126,1003.218750))
                    MoveObject(pdd3, 253, 123.30000305176, 1003.4000244141,1); //V
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,232.931304,109.093315,1010.208679) && IsACop(playerid))//d.chief
                    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] >= 9)
                        MoveObject(pdddc, 232.69999694824, 111.19999694824, 1010.700012207,1);
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_DARKRED, "Access Deny!");
                    return 1;
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid, 231.135330,119.553451,1010.218750) && IsACop(playerid))//chief
                    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] >= 9)
                        MoveObject(pddc,229.10000610352, 119.40000152588, 1010.5999755859,1);
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_DARKRED, "Access Deny!");
                    return 1;
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,275.642517,117.420158,1004.617187) && IsACop(playerid))
                    MoveObject(pdd4, 275.542517,119.420158,1004.617187,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,265.835815,112.502014,1004.617187) && IsACop(playerid))
                    MoveObject(pdd5, 263.70001220703, 112.69999694824, 1004.799987793,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,265.989532,115.889060,1004.617187) && IsACop(playerid))
                    MoveObject(pdd6, 268.20001220703, 116.09999847412, 1004.799987793,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,239.628219,125.069351,1003.218750) && IsACop(playerid))
                    MoveObject(pdd7, 239.80000305176, 122.90000152588, 1003.4000244141,1);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "you are not near any door!");
                return 1;
                format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s types the access code **** while covering with his free hand.", sendername);
                ProxDetector(15.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE);
            else {SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   You are not a Cop!");}
        return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/closedoor", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/cd", true) ==0)
            if(IsACop(playerid) || IsASheriff(playerid))
           if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,239.5, 117.59999847412, 1003.4000244141))
                        MoveObject(pdd1, 239.5, 117.59999847412, 1003.4000244141,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,253.19999694824, 109.09999847412, 1003.4000244141))
                MoveObject(pdd2, 253.19999694824, 109.09999847412, 1003.4000244141,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,253.30000305176, 125.30000305176, 1003.4000244141))
                    MoveObject(pdd3, 253.30000305176, 125.30000305176, 1003.4000244141,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,232.80000305176, 109.09999847412, 1010.4000244141))//d.chief
                        MoveObject(pdddc, 232.80000305176, 109.09999847412, 1010.4000244141,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,231.10000610352, 119.59999847412, 1010.4000244141))//chief
                    MoveObject(pddc, 231.10000610352, 119.59999847412, 1010.4000244141,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,217.80000305176, 116.5, 999.20001220703))
                    MoveObject(pdd4, 217.80000305176, 116.5, 999.20001220703,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,265.70001220703, 112.40000152588, 1004.799987793))
                    MoveObject(pdd5, 265.70001220703, 112.40000152588, 1004.799987793,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,266, 115.90000152588, 1004.799987793))
                    MoveObject(pdd6, 266, 115.90000152588, 1004.799987793,1);
                else if(PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,239.60000610352, 125.09999847412, 1003.4000244141))
                    MoveObject(pdd7, 239.60000610352, 125.09999847412, 1003.4000244141,1);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "you are not near any door!");
                return 1;
                format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s closes the door", sendername);
                ProxDetector(15.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE);
            else {SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   You are not a Cop!");}
        return 1;
What to do?i must work on my mode and i can't without it
I'm sure i did it good i took from other gamemodes i tried all of it!
It's my 2nd thread i'm opening about it i tried every fucking thing and it's won't work i copied from other gamemodes and it's just keep bugged
what to do!!!!!!!!
I heared that i need to convert it to 0.3d(something like that) and i don't know how to do it


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