How can I do Password Recovery?

I tried to search in the forum but with no success... How can I dod Password Recovery that send the password to email ?


Originally Posted by tal_peretz
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I tried to search in the forum but with no success... How can I dod Password Recovery that send the password to email ?

You want such system in the SA-MP server or in Website, PHP ?


Originally Posted by ue_falconx
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You want such system in the SA-MP server or in Website, PHP ?

You write your email in the SA-MP and it will return your password to your own email [in the website of the email]

I hope you understand me now

Originally Posted by tal_peretz
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You write your email in the SA-MP and it will return your password to your own email [in the website of the email]

I hope you understand me now
I don't think it's possible to do that, but yes you can do one thing which will surely work. You can make that happen through PHP website. You can use the php functions such as:-

PHP код:
The PHP mail() function is used to send emails from inside a PHP script.

(Original link:

A quick example of php mails:-

PHP код:
if (isset($_REQUEST['email']))
//if "email" is filled out, send email
//send email
$email $_REQUEST['email'] ;
$subject $_REQUEST['subject'] ;
$message $_REQUEST['message'] ;
$message"From:" $email);
"Thank you for using our mail form";
//if "email" is not filled out, display the form
"<form method='post' action='mailform.php'>
  Email: <input name='email' type='text' /><br />
  Subject: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br />
  Message:<br />
  <textarea name='message' rows='15' cols='40'>
  </textarea><br />
  <input type='submit' />

You can use such ways and create a very good Password Recovery script through PHP.


There are no plugin that help me to do it from the pawno? anyway.. I don't know php so I can't do it alone with that why .. [and even I don't have website so ...]

Originally Posted by tal_peretz
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There are no plugin that help me to do it from the pawno? anyway.. I don't know php so I can't do it alone with that why .. [and even I don't have website so ...]
Impossible is nothing. From the following link you get's the tutorials which can teach you a lot of good things which might be useful for you as the "mail()" function is. You can always have a talk with me regarding such things in MSN or in PM if you want.

Good luck.


Wow, of course you can do that in Pawn. Look up Slice's Mailer Script or you can even write it yourself since we have the HTTP include to GET / POST data.

Originally Posted by JamesC
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Wow, of course you can do that in Pawn. Look up Slice's Mailer Script or you can even write it yourself since we have the HTTP include to GET / POST data.
I just remembered that there is an mailer include of Slice, well thanks for the reminder


Do you mean that ?

I don't see what I need to download there .. nothink work :\

As far as I know, there is no way you can send mail from your server. What you can do in that case, is as someone said above, use HTTP() to contact a URL used to send a mail, such as "http://address.../mailer.php? com......"

Slice have made an include used to do that:
But you need to have a site to put the .php file in.

Anyway, I got to agree with ****** about passwords. If you still meaning to do this, then just make sure that the passwords are quite encrypted and all of the progress is secured.

Good luck!

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