24.02.2012, 04:01
Последний раз редактировалось ombre; 24.02.2012 в 22:07.
If I create a veh with /spawnvehicule, the id car = 1, If I spawn a other veh idcar =2 If I spawn a other veh idcar =3...If I remove the id car = 2. The next spwanvehicule idcar = 2.
My question I need a check (for command) for to know the next slot id car free.
If I create a veh with /spawnvehicule, the id car = 1, If I spawn a other veh idcar =2 If I spawn a other veh idcar =3...If I remove the id car = 2. The next spwanvehicule idcar = 2.
My question I need a check (for command) for to know the next slot id car free.