Are pickups' needed in Role Play?

I've actually sparked this discussion over on my server forums', honestly through the fact I was making final adjustments to the script last night and accidently somehow disabled all pickups from working. I don't know how honestly, but anyway, I thought to myself maybe to keep it like this.

I personally feel pickups' cause some un-needed and un-wanted attention to local buildings. I'm working on a server based in the small area of Angel Pine, almost every building is a club, bar, restaurant, 24/7, so icons aren't really needed to distinguish certain buildings?

Or does anyone feel they're needed? I think they just bring attention and kinda twist the role play slightly in some senses.

How do you enter buildings? Do you walk into pickup, or type command?

They really aren't needed...sometimes depending on what they could be used for. But I don't use pickups in my server.

You would walk to the entrance and type /enter or just press F on the keyboard.

Make it F - enterence. Players love simplicity as long as it's not to simple. And if your server is in Angel Pine, don't kill it with a bunch of pickups and map icons every. Angel Pine is small, if someone can't find something and they try to actually look they'll find it within 5 minutes, especially if it's a building.

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