request result variable

Hi all,
I would like to retrieve the query result by putting values ​​into a variable for re-use next.

I do like that but the problem is that I not recover the value of the position x.
He gets that y, z and a

	 	new fields[51][MAX_PLAYER_NAME], row[320];
		format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM players_cars WHERE id=%d", vehId);
		split(row, fields, '|');
		new Float:test0 = floatstr(fields[0]);
		new Float:test5 = floatstr(fields[1]);
		new Float:test1 = floatstr(fields[2]);
		new Float:test2 = floatstr(fields[3]);
		new Float:test3 = floatstr(fields[4]);
		new Float:test4 = floatstr(fields[5]);
		new Float:test6 = floatstr(fields[6]);
		new Float:test7 = floatstr(fields[7]);
Thank you for your answers

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