Cigars/wine bottles at spawnpoint

I have one class (AddPlayerClass), and use SetPlayerPos under OnPlayerSpawn for spawnpoints. But, there keeps appearing wine bottles and cigars at the AddPlayerClass coordinates. Not always in the exact place though. Here's a picture:

Any clue what's causing it?
Here's my OnPlayerSpawn, with many irrelevant things removed:

Disappears after death.

Could it be the object attaching? TogglePlayerControllable?

hm.. it sems you found another glitch with those objects. a few months ago i was able to confirm the same object when a player dies and respawns, with the pause menu meanwhile:
for your case, i guess its something with the player spawning. SetPlayerSpawnInfo, SpawnPalyer, or whatever is related to setting a players' position, can cause this effect. i bet its a relict from singleplayer, where some gang members are smoking, drinking etc, maybe the way SAMP handles other skins, it "forgets" about detaching those objects?

Isn't that pause bug fixed now though?

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