Medic/doctor RP.

Hey guys,
I want to become a medic on a server but I did never RP something like that, I'm looking for nice videos to see how other people do that but I can't find them on *******. If someone has much knowledge, experience please explain a few terms, for example, what's the name of the bag/kit where you take all your stuff of?

Thanks for reading my topic!


BTW: I don't need reply's like ''How about not RPing a medic?'' I just have a question and I don't need stupid answers.

Why to ask here instead of some RP server's forum, as SAMP isn't concentrated only on RP? Anyways, I guess that you're referring to medkit or first aid kit

ALS-Advanced Life Support
BLS-Basic Life Support..
Thats all!I can show you some Medic RP on
Search for Tom McAlister

Watch some documentaries about it on *******, i'm sure you can find something about the instruments they use in ******.

before you become a medic in a rp server first you should know the basics of first aid so i suggest you to watch some documentaries or read a wiki or something.

Alright, a few guys helped me very well! Thanks for that!

More info is always welcome!


I am not an experienced Roleplayer in Medicine. Though, I know few basicsi. First and foremost, there are numerous catagorization for the pre-hospital staff. (Emergency Medical personell) It goes from EMT-B, to EMT-I, then to Paramedic. There are also EMT-Surgeons, but they are used in special cases, or Duty Surgeons, but it is not used widely in roleplay servers, as people tends not to get their body parts removed. In each level (B, I and Paramedic) - you learn a lot more stuff, and you get authorized to use more equipment. For example, an EMT-B can stop bleeding (or at least try to), do C-P-R, use the AED, or make your broken bones rest at good positions. (not ribs though) But, for example - an EMT-B is not trained to intubate a patient, apply drugs of any kind, vice versa. Though, when you go up from the EMT-B to EMT-I(ntermidiate), you learn hell a lot more stuff.

Pre-hospital staff (medics, or EMS personell, however you want to call) however, are not Doctors. They can not operate people in Field, they can not use drugs without authorization (at least, in reality) without the Doctor in a Hospital that you will take your patient to. The EMS personell are more likely to be the Courier, no disrespect to them. Their job is to load the patient from point A and to deliver it to point B, with minimal damage to the patient, and with keeping him alive if posibble, and with the fastest way they can.

In real life, also, generally speaking, the Private EMS Companies and Fire Departments pair a Paramedic with EMT-I, or with an EMT-B, or pair an EMT-I with an EMT-B. The reason is also simple. Each ambulance has their own equipment. Like people said, there are Basic Life Support ambulances and gear/equipment, and Advanced Life Support ambulances and gear/equipment. When you pair a high-level member EMS Personell to a low ranking one, they can take the upper-level gear, ambulances, equipment - and they can use more techniques and drugs in the field.

I hope this helped you in some ways.

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