Need help to script AttachTrailerToVehicle

Im intrested in that, i want to make the real roadtrain like in that video:
I tried and tried but i cant attact the trailer to trailer.
Can someone can help me whit that? I dont want it as comand, just that i can attach it.

It will take alot of scripting, because esentially whats happening (as i can interpret) the trailors are simply following the position and rotation of the one infront of it. If it can be done, i guess maybe do AttachTrailerToVehicle(traileridbeingattached,trai leridtoattachto). Also, it needs to be a command, or else the script wont recognise(unless you make some kickass fuction) that youve backed up to a trailer with another trailer.

U see, it has been done. Ok, if it must be as command than let it be command, i just need it to scripted somehove. Maeby there is some smart guy who can make it easyli Sry my bad english.

read this its will help you, you can make in cmds just need to think a bit

i tried whith that but it didnt help me :S mabey i did simething wrong, i dont know but didnt work for me :S

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