This code make crashes server

pawn Код:
forward HealthArmourCheat();
public HealthArmourCheat()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        new Float:health,Float:armour;
        if(health == 100.0 || armour == 100.0)
            new string[128],pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],reason[32];
            GetPlayerName(i, pName, sizeof(pName));
            if(health == 100.0) { reason = "Health"; }
            else if(armour == 100.0) { reason = "Armour"; }
            format(string,sizeof string,"0,4AC (ID: 505) - %s has been banned for %s hacks. - 100 %s. ",pName,reason,reason);
            IRC_GroupSay(IRC_Group, EchoChan,string);
            new b[128];
            format(b, sizeof(b), "%s has been banned for %s hacks. - 100 %s.",pName,reason,reason);
            SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF, b);
            new sss[128];
            format(sss, sizeof(sss), "You have Been Banned by ANTICHEAT. Reason: %s hacks. - 100 %s.", reason,reason);
            SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, sss);
            SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_RED, "To Get Unbanned Post an Unban Request at Our Forums:");
            SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Don't Evade, Otherwise you wont get unbanned.");
    return 1;
It doesn't ban,and when he does,the server crashes,that's wrong?

it's possibly something in Blacklist or BanLog, add prints in parts after the first if statement, after Blacklist, after IRC_GroupSay, after Ban, after BanLog and after TotalACBans and see where the server crashes, alternatively use the crash detector plugin.

Originally Posted by cessil
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it's possibly something in Blacklist or BanLog, add prints in parts after the first if statement, after Blacklist, after IRC_GroupSay, after Ban, after BanLog and after TotalACBans and see where the server crashes, alternatively use the crash detector plugin.
Well,i adapted this code like the rest of anticheat piece and i don't think the BanLog and Blacklist are the causes of the crashes.BanLog logs the ban in a file (and i've that file),Blacklist is a sort of antievade and logs all (i've that log file too).

did you at least try using the prints or using the crash detect plugin

Originally Posted by cessil
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did you at least try using the prints or using the crash detect plugin
Yes,already tried 2 times and it prints what it does,no signal of crash or something..

what did it print last?

You ban him before he gets the message, try and ban him after your actions or else its useless you have those messages just a tip

Originally Posted by cessil
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what did it print last?
%s added to blacklist log.
%s banned.
Updated TotalACBans.
Sent msg to IRC_GroupSay at #IRC_CHANNEL.

he should actually run a timer to kick the player, 2 seconds should do it.

so if it prints everything, how do you know its that script that's crashing them?

Originally Posted by cessil
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he should actually run a timer to kick the player, 2 seconds should do it.
Ye,forgot to paste it.

Btw i fixed that,i just need to store the "pName" value in the blacklist file,thanks.

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