Computer controlled people

Is there any way to have some computer controlled people / cars running around the city like in single player GTA ?

Yes ... I don't want the city to look deserted when there aren't too many players online .

Yes there is, Called "bots".They just move around, Like Singleplayer.
However they take slots from the player one.
If you got 3 bots, And you want 30 player slots, your server has to be 33 slots.30 for players +3 for bots.

No problem ... the player limit is 500 .

What plugin can I use to add bots ? Can they drive cars around ?

I bet that there was something that when you make moves, they record, then you add the moves to the bots.Im not a scripter though, I dont know how to script it.

Bots can do almost everything players can do, but only pre-recorded. Means you record what a bot should do (drive a car somewhere etc) and the bot can play it back.

See this for information on how to create them:

Can't you make some smart bots instead of recording their behaviours ?

For example, drive around without running over other people , stop the car when someone is in front of it , walk on the street and find another car if you kick them out etc.

At the moment in 0.3d this isnt possible, the recorded NPCs are the only bots.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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At the moment in 0.3d this isnt possible, the recorded NPCs are the only bots.
That isn't totally true. You could write your own functions to do similar effects... Say the bot is approaching a group of players, you can change it's virtual world while it continues to pass and then once it's not near any players, go ahead and set it's virtual world back to 0. Make sense?

Use NPC bots.

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