12.01.2012, 21:41
Okay, I want to make simply when player have like 10+ score there will be his name like this:
Score 0-10: [Newbie]Name
Score 10-20: [Begginer]name
Score 20-30: [Solider]name
score 30-40: [Commander]name
So if player have 33 score (for example) his name will be [Commander] Name
BUT it wont be his name when you like press Tab or anything, only when he types.
So when you press tab his name will be (for example) Twinki
and when he chats it will be [Commander] Twinki: message
Score 0-10: [Newbie]Name
Score 10-20: [Begginer]name
Score 20-30: [Solider]name
score 30-40: [Commander]name
So if player have 33 score (for example) his name will be [Commander] Name
BUT it wont be his name when you like press Tab or anything, only when he types.
So when you press tab his name will be (for example) Twinki
and when he chats it will be [Commander] Twinki: message