Need help about scripting

So i have some questions about scipting ppc_trucking server, i need help about: adding new spawnpoints in /rescue, about adding new locations in ppc_DefLocations.ini and about adding trucks/trailers in new depo what i made in mta and uploaded in server...So lets go, there are my problems:
1. How to add spawnoint in rescue (i need only add for truckers)
// Setup spawnlocations for each class (when selecting "Spawn" at class-selection, a random spawnlocation is selected)
new ASpawnLocationsTrucker[][TSpawnLocation] =
{-525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0}, // Fallen Tree Depot
{-74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0}, // Flint Trucking Depot
{1457.0, 975.5, 11.0, 0.0}, // LVA Freight Depot
{-2136.0, -247.5, 36.5, 270.0}, // Doherty Depot
{1766.5, -2040.7, 14.0, 270.0}, // El Corona Depot
{-546.0, 2594.0, 54.0, 270.0}, // Las Payasdas Depot
{332.0, 900.0, 25.0, 205.0}, // Quarry Top
{-1575.0, -2724.0, 49.0, 146.0} // Shady Creek Depot

when i copy any of this spawn locations, change name and change coordirates and refresh pawno, i can't start server, pawno always said error...
2. Problem with adding new locations like Area 69, kacc...
// Setup an array that holds all location-data (except taxi and busdriver classes, these have their own locations)
new ALocations[][TLocation] =
// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
{"Dummy location", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, // Location 0 = dummy location (never used)

{"LS Construction Site", 1859.0, -1314.0, 14.0}, // Location 1
{"SF Construction Site", -2083.0, 209.0, 35.5}, // Location 2
{"LV Construction Site", 2708.0, 878.0, 10.0}, // Location 3
{"Avery Construction", 312.25, -233.75, 1.6}, // Location 4
{"Clown's Pocket Constr.", 2467.0, 1923.0, 9.8}, // Location 5
{"Solarin Industries", -1822.5, 41.25, 15.25}, // Location 6
when i copy any of this locations, change name, change ''Location <number> to like 150'' and change coordirates, they dont work, when i write like ''Location 150" and paste "150" in in works (for load/unload) they refresh pawno and run server without any problems but /work like drive unleaded fuel are bugged...
So did anyone know how to repair this problems? Help me please...Thanks!

You should ask in the gamemodes topic.

Make sure your last coordinates don't end with a comma and the rest do.

pawn Код:
new ASpawnLocationsTrucker[][TSpawnLocation] =
{-525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0}, // Fallen Tree Depot
{-74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0} // Flint Trucking Depot
pawn Код:
new ASpawnLocationsTrucker[][TSpawnLocation] =
{-525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0}, // Fallen Tree Depot
{-74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0}, // Flint Trucking Depot

// Setup spawnlocations for each class (when selecting "Spawn" at class-selection, a random spawnlocation is selected)
new ASpawnLocationsTrucker[][TSpawnLocation] =
{-525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0}, // Fallen Tree Depot
{-74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0}, // Flint Trucking Depot
{1457.0, 975.5, 11.0, 0.0}, // LVA Freight Depot
{-2136.0, -247.5, 36.5, 270.0}, // Doherty Depot
{1766.5, -2040.7, 14.0, 270.0}, // El Corona Depot
{-546.0, 2594.0, 54.0, 270.0}, // Las Payasdas Depot
{332.0, 900.0, 25.0, 205.0}, // Quarry Top
{-1575.0, -2724.0, 49.0, 146.0} // Shady Creek Depot
{xxx.x, xxx.x, xx.x, xx.x} // Location Name
new ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[][TSpawnLocation] =
{1809.0, -1905.0, 13.6, 90.0}, // Los Santos busdepot
{-1983.0, 110.0, 27.7, 180.0}, // San Fierro busdepot
{1060.0, 1260.0, 11.0, 270.0} // Las Venturas busdepot

i made it but changed XXX.X for coordinates numbers and dont works...

{-1575.0, -2724.0, 49.0, 146.0} // Shady Creek Depot <-- Needs a comma on the end!

{-1575.0, -2724.0, 49.0, 146.0}, // Shady Creek Depot

pawn Код:
new Float:ASpawnLocationsTrucker[][TSpawnLocation] =
{-525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0}, // Fallen Tree Depot
{-74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0} // Flint Trucking Depot
Correct ^;

If you don't have Float: it will not work. You will just receive alot of warnings about tag mismatch and what not.

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