Проблема с MySQL

Поставил серв на мускул, все как нужно сделал. На домашнем компе все гуд работает, на сервере серв включается и сразу же крешится. Плагин версии R5 для Debian

Вот из логов:

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R5, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[06:50:47] Server Plugins
[06:50:47] --------------
[06:50:47] Loading plugin: mysql.so

> MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[06:50:47] Loaded.
[06:50:47] Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[06:50:47] ===============================

[06:50:47] sscanf plugin loaded.

[06:50:47] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[06:50:47] ===============================

[06:50:47] Loaded.
[06:50:47] Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[06:50:47] Loaded.
[06:50:47] Loaded 3 plugins.

[06:50:47] Ban list
[06:50:47] --------
[06:50:47] Loaded: samp.ban
[06:50:47] Filter Scripts
[06:50:47] ---------------
[06:50:47] Loading filter script 'AllBar.amx'...
|================================================= =========|
[06:50:47] | All Bar |
[06:50:47] | By Ym0n (The Greatest pawn scripter ) |
[06:50:47] |================================================= =========|

[06:50:47] Loading filter script 'AB.amx'...
[06:50:47] ================================================== ===================
[06:50:47] This is a part of a OpenGTA subject, visit opengta.org for more info.
[06:50:47] FilterScript Name: Armed body
[06:50:47] Description:Attatch weapond to player's body
[06:50:47] Author:yezizhu
[06:50:47] Special thanksouble-O-Seven, Brian.
[06:50:47] Contact author: imyezizhu@gmail.com
[06:50:47] ================================================== ===================
[06:50:47] Loaded 2 filter scripts.

[06:50:47] Gamemode by Karandash
[06:50:47] ----------------------------------

[06:50:47] Number of vehicle models: 137
[06:50:49] --- Server Shutting Down.

И MySQL Debug:


[06:50:47] ---------------------------
[06:50:47] MySQL Debugging activated (01/04/12)
[06:50:47] ---------------------------
[06:50:47] >> mysql_connect( )
[06:50:47] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - constructor called.
[06:50:47] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - Connecting to "ru-hoster.com" | DB: "splavdb" | Username: "splav" ...
[06:50:47] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
[06:50:47] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
[06:50:47] ---------------------------
[06:50:47] MySQL Debugging de-activated
[06:50:47] ---------------------------

Срочно нужна помощь

P.S. За помощь заранее спасибо

[06:50:49] --- Server Shutting Down.

Что вызывается через 2 секунды после запуска? Таймер?

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