03.01.2012, 14:25
Why this command doesn't working correctly? I always got message "Vehicle is locked". I want to make, if vehicle is locked - unlock it and if unlocked - lock.
Why this command doesn't working correctly? I always got message "Vehicle is locked". I want to make, if vehicle is locked - unlock it and if unlocked - lock.
COMMAND:asd(playerid, params[]) { new Tekstas[ 50 ], vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective ; GetVehicleParamsEx( vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective ); if( doors == VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON ) // Jeigu uћrakinta - atrakinam { for( new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { SetVehicleParamsForPlayerEx( vehicleid, i, 0, VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF ); } Tekstas = "Vehicle is unlocked"; } else // Jeigu atrakinta - uћrakinam { for( new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { SetVehicleParamsForPlayerEx( vehicleid, i, 0, VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON ); } Tekstas = "Vehicle is locked"; } SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, Tekstas ); return 1; }
new VehiclesObj[ MAX_VEHICLES ][ MAX_PLAYERS ], VehiclesLock[ MAX_VEHICLES ][ MAX_PLAYERS ] ;
stock SetVehicleParamsForPlayerEx( vehicleid, playerid, objective, doors ) { VehiclesObj[ vehicleid ][ playerid ] = objective; VehiclesLock[ vehicleid ][ playerid ] = doors; if( IsVehicleStreamedIn( vehicleid, playerid ) ) return SetVehicleParamsForPlayer( vehicleid, playerid, objective, doors ); return 1; }
public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid) { SetVehicleParamsForPlayer( vehicleid, forplayerid, VehiclesObj[ vehicleid ][ forplayerid ], VehiclesLock[ vehicleid ][ forplayerid ] ); return 1; }