Help with garage..

i want to create cmd for create garage in game.
So the garage need be with same id with the house
So how i do it ?
Thank you

This all depends on what kind of garage system you want (one that makes a new object, new icon, 3d text label, etc) and what kind of house system you already use.

Alright, actually im looking for house system to i have right now the house system with the Raven RolePlay
So if you can help me with house system that can be great to and biz system can be cool
and im onlly want to create the garage with command and garage will be with same id like house and player will can tp there with /enter and go back with /exit and park there the cars
(one that makes a new object, new icon, 3d text label, etc)
and all this can be onlly " Garage [garage id] [house id] " with no icon , if you can help me and that with icon that cool to
Thank you,

Something like this would be compatible with almost any house system

Add to the House enumeration:
Then all you have to do is add the object to your pos (with maybe some X,Y,Z or ROT changes) with a command and add a car parking positions command (for houses that have a dynamic or static garage)

Quite complicated, I expected it to be something a bit more simple
And about house system you can help me with that ?
mabey have house system with /setgrage or something ?
im broke from search..

Originally Posted by Anthony_X
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Quite complicated, I expected it to be something a bit more simple
And about house system you can help me with that ?
mabey have house system with /setgrage or something ?
im broke from search..
Nothing in life will ever be given to you. And 99% of things in life that require some knowledge, will not be simple.

If you really want to learn and understand how to make houses/garages, I suggest reading through and finding something useful (I even used to click random and read through everything I thought was important)

You can also read this tutorial (Just don't look at the mysql part if you don't use it):

For an already-made house system to copy & paste, I suggest:

Eyo guys thank you so much, i'll seat and read now
And Steven you right..

Originally Posted by coole210
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For an already-made house system to copy & paste, I suggest:
Man after i do /buyhouse open dialogin and i prees continue and nothing happen...
that happen to me with more dialogins :\

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