09.12.2011, 21:45
Последний раз редактировалось Mattos; 14.09.2013 в 19:05.
Music Dialog v1.0
Topic in PortugueaseHello guys! Today I decided to do a music Dialog!
Version SAMP 0.3d needed.
It is very simple, it's a base to help you, scripter, build your own playlist to your server ...
Adding New Genres and Songs
To add new Genres to the list is very easy, just go on adding new "case" and put the name of the genre in the main ShowPlayerDialog:
pawn Код:
#define ShowMusicDialog(%0) ShowPlayerDialog(%0, MENUMUSICS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "MUSIC SYSTEM - {006600}By Mattos", "Turn Off Music\nEnter Music URL\nPop/Rock/Eletronica\nMetal\nClбssic\nRap/Rip Hop\nDisco", "Select", "Cancel")
To add new songs to a certain genre, you gotta do the same thing. I left there as "Example" and you just gotta replace with the song name. In the URL area, same thing, remembering that "case" is sequential and must exactly match the ShowPlayerDialog.
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Soon Version 1.1 with added music lists. And necessity audio extensions in "Enter music URL"
Soon Version 1.1 with added music lists. And necessity audio extensions in "Enter music URL"