need help with textdraws

Im fairly new to textdraws, but I have a timer that destroys a textdraw and creates it with an updated number (countdown). I have two other textdraws that I use for informational stuff but they instantly disapear after being created, this only happens when my timer is running. One is called Textite and it gets showed to everyone. The timer is called Text:timer and it gets destroyed, recreated with an updated value every second, and my Textite disapears after a second the server is started. I currently am doing this:
new Text:Site[MAX_PLAYERS];

And creating it / showing it at OnPlayerConnect, it works but I need help fixing this problem, as I dont want to create every textdraw on every player connect, I want to use ShowTextdrawforall. Can anyone help me out?

If you are wanting to show a text draw to the player that connects, here is what you need.

GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"message",time (in miliseconds),text draw number);

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)


Originally Posted by googamalugafoo
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If you are wanting to show a text draw to the player that connects, here is what you need.

GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"message",time (in miliseconds),text draw number);

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)

Uhhm, the last argument of GameTextForPlayer is style, since it has different styles (like Wasted etc..)
And GameTextForPlayer has nothing to do with textdraws..
So, please don't post something if you don't know it yourself.. (No offense)

Originally Posted by Mike_Peterson
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Uhhm, the last argument of GameTextForPlayer is style, since it has different styles (like Wasted etc..)
And GameTextForPlayer has nothing to do with textdraws..
So, please don't post something if you don't know it yourself.. (No offense)
GameTextForPlayer is still a version of a textdraw... I just don't think it's the textdraw he is after...

If you want to have a textdraw that won't destroy itself permanently, try relocating it to OnPlayerSpawn...
if that doesn't work, wait for a reply from more advanced scripters :P

Yeah im looking for help on textdraws, not gametextforplayer. Thanks anyways, ill wait till somone else posts.

You mean like TextLabels?

Or those that are like..
Under your map showing your website?


I still need help with this

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