Script not found

Script[gamemodes/PRRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Number of vehicle models: 0

Any one ?

This could be one of several problems: the most likely check your server.cfg.

Out of interest: how many lines does your prrp.pwn version have exactly?

The error is the result of one or more missing plugins, you need to find out which ones you need.

Do In Your server.cfg by gamemodes PRRP 1

Its a Plugin issue. If your on linux make sure you have the .so plugin files and <plugin>.so in you CFG
if ur in windows make sure u have dll plugins <plugin> and <plugin name> in your Server CFG

This should be plugins, go to your plugins folder and see.

They are right its plugins.. do you mind showing us the includes you use, the server log and your server.cfg file?
that could help you trace what plugin to use.

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