Please stop releasing edits!

Please stop releasing Ravens edits and some others, it really sucks and it makes you look like retarded in my eyes, what for do you release it? If you fixed some bugs reply with a download link in the original Ravens Roleplay thread! You guys fix 2-3 bugs and change the script name, wtf? And then you fuc**** give yourself credits, oh really? If i would be the creator of the gamemode i would request to warn all the guys which release it with another name and probably 2 bugs fixed !!!

Kids will never stop doing that. Im here for 4 years now, and it just constantly got worse during that time.
Dont want to rage about this more right now, but I really could.
Guess they want to get famous like CJ in GTA. Its a shame that kids play a 16+ game and really get affected by it in a bad way.

BTW thats the reason why I forbid to rerelease any of my scripts. Then I could tell mods to remove edits (luckily FS/Incs dont get edited often)

People do what they want to do, they will do it until they are unable to do it, they wont stop it because you say so, they will when the rule of it is enforced by the Forum Staff, and as well, think like your the one who does edits, would you listen to some random guy making a topic to make people stop it? Of course not, since you dont have the power to do so.

I my self don't like edits, they release it but either way no one use them or people making servers with them die in 2 days.

The thing is that kids don't give a crap about what you think, the only thing that matters for them is creating their own perfect world.

The only thing more retarded than releasing stupid edits, is arguing about it, because in the end, you get no where.

- Camacorn

You can't stop an unstoppable force.

Its the problem with the internet, everyone just wants to make it their own world. By cheating and getting the freedom for what they cant get. I have seen many script edits released and when some one points out a bug the guy isnt even replying. Which basically would mean he/she doesnt know how to script. >.> Its annoying especially with RP scripts.

Can kalcor make internet tabbing space for 1 dollar to stop all these RP flooding SA-MP? :S

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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Can kalcor make internet tabbing space for 1 dollar to stop all these RP flooding SA-MP? :S
Roleplay scripts from scratch are epic, but edits are utter shit and scratch ones are RARE like Pokemons :P, edits are just unwanted ones.

Originally Posted by Camacorn
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The only thing more retarded than releasing stupid edits, is arguing about it, because in the end, you get no where.

- Camacorn
Basically i agree with this.

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