17.11.2011, 22:10
The Manhunt
Based in SA-MP manhunt's gamemode idea. In the Manhunt, a random player will be choosen .. and if their chosen, all the other players must chase him down, and whoever kills him will have a reward in money, and score. The objective? Kill the manhunt-victim to have the highest ammounf of score. However, there is a put-down; if you kill the victim, you will become the new victim, and everyone will have to hunt you down! That's why it's called "man-hunt".
So basically, it's a "1 vs all-the-remaining-players" game.
This gamemode was last updated 13th october of 2011.. and a small project I made for practice.. I wanted to make a server with it but never had the sufficent time.
There might be bugs .. i'm not sure, I tested it, but not 100%. So I'm not supporting this script anymore because I have more projects.
+ Registratio, with the most used basic commands, scripted in Dini.
+ It uses the latest systems .. such as sscanf and zcmd implemented in PAWN except Dini but it's still acceptable.
+ Manhunt system: kill a choosen player, receive a reward, become the new victim!
+ If nobody is online and a manhunt hasn't been started, you will automatically be the new manhunt.
+ Loads vehicles based on a .txt file script by sa-mp team.
+ The script is based mainly in the LV desert.
+ If you are selected as a victim you will be given certain bonuses such as +ammo, +armour, +weapons.
I recon it's a small script only +800 lines but everything is a contribution to the community and it's a simple script I did for practice.