How can i make this cp or pickup?

Heey all,
How to make this cp or pickup? i dont know what it is.
Pls how can i make this?

If this Pickup Don't keep Moving Around it Self it's Mapped by MTA , And it's Color is Changeable on MTA too

How i make this?

Go on MTA - Choose "Map Editor" - After it Start you will find on the Bottom many Labels , Choose the Pickup label and Set it where you want , Once you Set it Double click on it to change it's color then Save , And go outside then look for "Server" file then DeathMatch then Resources - And you will find your File - Open it and Copy the Objects then go on www.******.com and Type "MTA to Pawno Converter" , Choose the First and Convert to Pawno then add it under ongamemodeinit with the other Objects and you done

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