FCRP Gamemode...

Hi all! i am making my FULL RP server here's a little list of what i'll add:

Cuff and arrest system
Wanted System (like /sus [ID] [REASON] but just the cops can see in PD radio)
Medic/FD system (for the firemans: /fireskin (lvfd skin) and /medicskin [1-3] (medic skin)
Heal system (heal [ID] medics and firemans)
911 system (/911 (select fd pd and the cause, the pd/fd can accept or dense the call)
Owned veichle system (pd veichles ((ex.civilian in a pd car [INFO]This veichle is only for the cops )) or something (fd too)
taxy/bus system
Fuel/speedomeeter system
Antycheat and admin system
PD system (choose skin and the equipment)
/r [adio] SYSTEM (pd/fd)

I seached 48 pages in the other section but i didnt found all of what i need...

Thanks for reading
*The map will be added in Fort Carson.....

what's the point here, i dont get it.

Originally Posted by AdamCooper
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what's the point here, i dont get it.
ya really
Are you trying to advertise your server or wut?

I second AdamCooper - what do you want? Praise for those features? Help scripting them?

i dont think he is advertising...i think he needs help scripting..

first: before advertise i'll add more scripts or mapping and if i advertise i'll add the ip and the website -..-

Anyway can some1 send me (separately too some of those scripts) please :3

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