Tag mismatch warnings

pawn Код:
new Text3D:label[100];
                    Businesses[idx][PickupID]=CreateStreamPickup(1272, 1, Businesses[idx][EnterX], Businesses[idx][EnterY], Businesses[idx][EnterZ],PICKUP_RANGE);
                    format(label, sizeof(label), "[FOR SALE]\n%d$\nName: %s", Businesses[idx][BizPrice], Businesses[idx][BusinessName]);// this
                    Create3DTextLabel(label, COLOR_GREEN, Businesses[idx][EnterX], Businesses[idx][EnterY], Businesses[idx][EnterZ]+0.5, 5, 0, 0); // this
Shows me 2 warnings of tag mismatch: commented them.

Any help?

Are you sure you defined Float:EnterX, Float:EnterY, and Float:EnterZ ? instead of EnterX, EnterY, EnterZ alone ?

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