Snow object ID

Hey! I'm looking for snow object ID, I had it not a long time ago, but I forgot it. Can anyone tell me some IDs of them?

Snow from Liberty City roofs, not those from 0.3c!!!


The object IDs from the small Liberty City present in San Andreas
Solid street(right near the restaurant):3907
Non-solid streets: 3923
Restaurant (1) : 3902
Restaurant (2): 3911
Snow on the Restaurat (1): 3914
Snow on the Restaurat (2): 3915
Some building and the wall inside the restaurant's yard: 3906
Solid ground(inside rest.): 3903
Building at the end of the passage: 3905
Snow on rooftops (and a wall) :3918
Snow on top of the train lines: 3916
Train lines: 3897
Train stairs: 3900
Train lines(shadows): 3910
Train stairs(2): 3901
Snow near the solid road :3890
Snow near train lines(1):3892
Snow near train lines 2 : 3894
Snow& high building: 3896
Small building near the solid road:3895
^Snow on the rooftop of the small building:3917
Trees (outside): 3898
Interior trees(in the yard) : 3948 
Non-solid buildings(near the solid road): 3908
Hospital: 3899
Hospital snow: 3891
Hospital snow 2: 3893
Non-solid buildings(2)(non solid road, behind the restaurant): 3909
Un-solide buildings(3): 3904
The rest of the landscape: 3913
Treees(2): 3912

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