Looking for an scripter!!

I need an scripter that like to work with RP..

You paying?

Originally Posted by $Indian$
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You paying?
Seriusly, If you are desperatly looking for money, Get a job! Pawno is just a virtual Scripting Language, NOT A BUSINESS!

Originally Posted by UndergroundPlaya
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I need an scripter that like to work with RP..
I'll work for you, But remember, I aint the best

Originally Posted by seanny
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Seriusly, If you are desperatly looking for money, Get a job! Pawno is just a virtual Scripting Language, NOT A BUSINESS!
I should add that you don't need to be desperate for money to want to be paid for work done. The language is irrelevant, time spent on the work is.

Originally Posted by seanny
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Seriusly, If you are desperatly looking for money, Get a job! Pawno is just a virtual Scripting Language, NOT A BUSINESS!

I should add that you don't need to be desperate for money to want to be paid for work done. The language is irrelevant.
As much as I know no one is no ones slave O.O
there has to be some kind of earning out of it if you do it for some one else.

Originally Posted by seanny
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Seriusly, If you are desperatly looking for money, Get a job! Pawno is just a virtual Scripting Language, NOT A BUSINESS!
1. - Its called PAWN, Pawno is the scripting program.
2. - He didn't state if he is paying or not, what is wrong in asking then?

People who "beg" for money over a scripting language are "Greedy", People who do it for free are the Ones who have more sense, Get a job Guys!

you pay?

Originally Posted by seanny
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People who "beg" for money over a scripting language are "Greedy", People who do it for free are the Ones who have more sense, Get a job Guys!
I have 2 jobs, if people want something for free isn't that more like begging than wanting to be paid for work done? IMO it is. Also use your brain, people asking if he is paying are not begging the are inquiring. Also it doesn't make them greedy. About your comment "People who do it for free are the Ones who have more sense" you couldn't be more wrong. More experienced scripters/programmers (the majority) DO want to be paid for work, its logic, else why would they learn in the first place?

Originally Posted by seanny
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People who "beg" for money over a scripting language are "Greedy", People who do it for free are the Ones who have more sense, Get a job Guys!
No, do you have any idea how long it can take to create a full RP gamemode from scratch?
Well I'll tell you. Over half a year ! That's something people want to be paid for, but if they want a shitty script, they can take a scripter for free ofcourse.

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