How much have you learnt from SA-MP Forums?

Title ASKs it all

To me, I've learnt a HUGEE ammount.

Am now at " Amateur " Scripting
I can script from a message - a car system + Dealership + Homes

Dont post bullcrap -_-


well nothing
i learnt almost everything alone...
that's why im amateur yet ....
i never ask help, i just try to fix the scripts by myself.

The forum opened my way to Scripting. I was just playing servers at first but when I joined the forum I saw the possibilities with SA-MP.

First PAWN, then C++, PHP and more...
(Although I knew VB before)

Introduced me to programming.

I learned that you have to wait 120 seconds between 2 posts.

Originally Posted by suhrab_mujeeb
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I learned that you have to wait 120 seconds between 2 posts.
it was more :P
well its fair xD
or admins have to delete so much spam...

Well, it introduced me to my first programming language.

Everything. A little part of it by asking, but most by looking to other's work and try to reproduce something myself.

Ha, in the last year? Fuck all. Either I got bored of the game or the forums really did turn into shit.

Originally Posted by suhrab_mujeeb
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I learned that you have to wait 120 seconds between 2 posts.
Well totell u the truth, I just joined the forums at the first to be able ro download some files that were only downloadable by the members. I only knew that we include filterscripts to make a GM better. I didn't even know that until u don't compile a script, it won't work. And today I am able to create small scripts. I know how to fix script errors and how to solve bugs. I didn't know anything about programming. There's a long way to go for me.

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