who's has the best

OK guys im looking for a new time, date, weather FS. anyone know of anyone that has a good one out today?

Originally Posted by Money_Man
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OK guys im looking for a new time, date, weather FS. anyone know of anyone that has a good one out today?


Originally Posted by Stigg
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and if this doesn't help, please try http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ghlight=search

Originally Posted by Max_Coldheart
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and if this doesn't help, please try http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ghlight=search
Haha! xD
There are a lot of FS about these you asked.
When you wrote new time , date are you mean "Real". If yes check here. For the weather system use the Search.

wow i guess that was to much to ask out of some people huh!!!!!!!

thanks for your help. i'll try that out. i didn't know if someone already done with it all together or not

Why are you asking others? You need to decide what's best for your server. Do some research about the solutions available and pick one. If there's nothing available, create one yourself. No one knows what your server needs more than you.

scripts which can handle weather, time and locations, are rare. i also searched some time ago, and found 0 suitable. either the weatherchanges makes me wanna /puke, or the time is synced shitty, or its always global. maybe you want a realtime weather, which syncs to the RL weather? i dont know when exactly the smooth watherchanges got introduced, but they can be tricky to script, but its worth the effort!
to learn how to script a smooth weatherchange each server hour (at different locations maybe), you need to know how to:
  • run a very fast timer to sync it properly with the clock (weather changes look good then)
  • set the weather for a single player (1 loop in a callback)
  • (maybe) calculate positions on the map, pointing to a certain weather(zone)
so the best way is to script it yourself ^^

Try my siggy.

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