missing angle bracket

pawn Код:
stock ResetPlayerNormalWarn(playerid, id, bool: credit)
    switch (pData[id][pNormalWarns])
        case 2: UpdateWarnInfo(playerid, "zIspejimo2Priezastis", "zIspejimo2Data", "Jus neturite sio ispejimo", "Jus neturite sio ispejimo");
        case 1: UpdateWarnInfo(playerid, "zIspejimoPriezastis", "zIspejimoData", "Jus neturite sio ispejimo", "Jus neturite sio ispejimo");
    if (!credit)
        new Stringas[93];
        format(Stringas, 90, "{FFFFFF}Administratorius {33AA33}%s {FFFFFF}Jums nuemė įspėjimą!", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid));
        [>>>>in this line<<<<] ShowPlayerDialog(id, 150, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Įspėjimas", Stringas, "Uћdaryti", "");
        format(Stringas, 82, "{FFFFFF}Įspėjimas {33AA33}%s {FFFFFF}sėkmingai nuiimtas!", GetPlayerNameEx(id));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 151, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Įspėjimas", Stringas, "Uћdaryti", "");
        -- pData[id][pNormalWarns];

        format(Stringas, 93, "%s nuemė vieną įspėjimą %s. Dabar turi: %d", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), GetPlayerNameEx(id), pData[id][pNormalWarns]);
        SaveToLog("Logai/Direktoriai.txt", Stringas);
Missing angle brackets finder says that I have missing bracket angle in line 13128.. But there's no { } in that line.


remove brackets from here and then try

lol its hex color


which is line no 13128

Originally Posted by ******
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"<>" are angle brackets, "{}" are braces. In which case it could have issues with Unicode.
My mistake. But, can you explain it "better"? lol

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