Problem please help!! [SERVER 24/7 ..]

Hello, at last week every 2 days my server keeping shut off and crash i'v host my server by but every 2 days server keeping closed with out reason its just closed then i need to open it again I dont know but i goto log in control panel and i saw this:


[21:33:13] tmp = 0, tmp2(logged) = 0, level = 1
[21:33:13] tmp = 0, tmp2(logged) = 0, level = 1
[21:33:16] Blocking due to a 'server full' attack (2)

server full attack (2)?? wtf?

anyways maybe its not the problem but i need selution for this problem plz!


[21:33:16] Blocking due to a 'server full' attack (2)

That means that many users attempted to connect with that IP. It's a kind of protection to prevent bot-attack from flooding your server. Try using another script..?

Originally Posted by KillermanGR
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That means that many users attempted to connect with that IP. It's a kind of protection to prevent bot-attack from flooding your server. Try using another script..?
Too many hacks in samp... its just ****

That particular IP address is performing a Ddos attack on your server. Solution : Ban that ip address from your server's firewall or switch to another host, preferably Volt-host.

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