HELP!! Scariest bug ever

I can't even explain it, here is my code:

stock GeneratePlate(vehicleid)
	new licenseplate[LICENSE_PLATE_LENGTH],
	    numberstr[5], len;
	format(numberstr, 5, "%d", vehicleid);
	len = strlen(numberstr);
 	for(new c; c < LICENSE_PLATE_LENGTH; c++)
 	    if(c > 1 && c <= 1 + len)
            licenseplate[c] = numberstr[c - 2];
	 	else switch©
		    case 0, 1: licenseplate[c] = random('Z' - 'A') + 'A';
		    default: licenseplate[c] = random('9' - '0') + '0';
	return licenseplate;
Then, try it out by:
public OnGameModeInit()
 	for(new i; i < 100; i++) GeneratePlate(i);
Spent so much time trying to solve this... just can't.

You go from if to else switch.....

thats not right lol

That is completely legitimate.

There is no such thing as:

Else switch


Else {
switch () {


Yet i only see one set of brackets and that is a multi line statement.....

Try it out yourself, the syntax is definitely okay.

Just like you'd do
if(statement) var++;
instead of

Yeah that's for a single line statement only, a lot of languages do that.

A multi line statement is usually stricter with requirement for parenthesis.

The compiler might be allowing it, but I would be concerned as to whether it really works as intended lol.

pawn Код:
if(c > 1 && c <= 1 + len)
            licenseplate[c] = numberstr[c - 2];
        else switch(c)
            case 0, 1: licenseplate[c] = random('Z' - 'A') + 'A';
            default: licenseplate[c] = random('9' - '0') + '0';
Your if has only one line statement but has parenthesis, your else has a switch and 2 statements but no parenthesis..... It could be valid but it looks like a bad habit to get into.

I'll take a look.

Originally Posted by GrimR
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Yeah that's for a single line statement only, a lot of languages do that.

A multi line statement is usually stricter with requirement for parenthesis.

The compiler might be allowing it, but I would be concerned as to whether it really works as intended lol.

pawn Код:
if(c > 1 && c <= 1 + len)
            licenseplate[c] = numberstr[c - 2];
        else switch(c)
            case 0, 1: licenseplate[c] = random('Z' - 'A') + 'A';
            default: licenseplate[c] = random('9' - '0') + '0';
Your if has only one line statement but has parenthesis, your else has a switch and 2 statements but no parenthesis..... It could be valid but it looks like a bad habit to get into.

I'll take a look.
Alright, I'll do it that way from now on, thanks.
Now please lets go back to my matter.

Yeah I see, I assume you mean the wacked out characters?

My first thought is..... random() on the SA:MP wiki has no mention of using it in the way that you are lol.

What kind of license plate are you trying to generate (is it just 6 random number/char), it sort of looks like 2 chars and 4/5 numbers AB12345?

I already made on working at the moment that generates 7 the same as above format without any issues.

Here, this will generate the 7 random num/chars:

pawn Код:
new abc[][26] =
  {"A"}, {"B"}, {"C"}, {"D"}, {"E"}, {"F"}, {"G"}, {"H"}, {"I"}, {"J"}, {"K"},
  {"L"}, {"M"}, {"N"}, {"O"}, {"P"}, {"Q"}, {"R"}, {"S"}, {"T"}, {"U"}, {"V"},
  {"W"}, {"X"}, {"Y"}, {"Z"}


new rNum[][10] =
  {"0"}, {"1"}, {"2"}, {"3"}, {"4"}, {"5"}, {"6"}, {"7"}, {"8"}, {"9"}


stock GeneratePlate(vehicleid)
  new licenseplate[LICENSE_PLATE_LENGTH];

  for (new c; c < LICENSE_PLATE_LENGTH; c++)
    new rand  = random(sizeof(abc));
    new rand2 = random(sizeof(rNum));

    switch (c)
      case 0, 1: licenseplate[c] = abc[rand][0];
      default  : licenseplate[c] = rNum[rand2][0];
  return licenseplate;
And in OnGameModeInit for testing:

pawn Код:
for (new i; i < 100; i++) { print(GeneratePlate(i)); }
Obviously to change length you modify your #DEFINE, and to mix up chars and numbers, modify the case statement accordingly.

Yeah, the wacked out characters, also the freaky beeping the computer does when launching the server.
I guess I'll pick your way then, thanks.
btw this:
new abc[][26] =
  {"A"}, {"B"}, {"C"}, {"D"}, {"E"}, {"F"}, {"G"}, {"H"}, {"I"}, {"J"}, {"K"},
  {"L"}, {"M"}, {"N"}, {"O"}, {"P"}, {"Q"}, {"R"}, {"S"}, {"T"}, {"U"}, {"V"},
  {"W"}, {"X"}, {"Y"}, {"Z"}

is better to be replaced with
new abc[26] =
    'A', 'B', ....

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