Fixing Animations like /chairsit

I bet everyone of you knows the silly Animations /chairsit, or /lean (1-2) from almost any Roleplay script around there.

You basically just apply the Animation to the player, so actually you cant really 'script' anything, besides if the anim is looped ect... However:

If you apply the Animation, the Player just sits down in the place he stood, which means, he will never actually sit on a chair, but next to it, on top if it, or in front of it. I was wondering if this is somehow possible to fix, since i saw 2-3 Server out there (examlpe - PR:RP) where the animation is applied correctly, and you can sit down straight on the chair. Same with /lean, where in PR_RP you get moved some inches backwards, so you actually touch the wall/car/fence you are leaning on, instead of leaning in the air next to a wall.

Im surely not a Copycat, but still, somehow i want to fix that bug, and PR:RP just showed me it was possible, so i'd like to ask you if you have any idea of what they did to fix the animation. Is it probably another anim library which holds a 'better' chairsit animation, or what do you think? Give me some ideas^^

They are just animations so we can't do anything about that because we can't script like this thing only works if a chair is near.

Im not talking about that it only works when a chair is near.

on PRRP it is like, if you get in /chairsit, the charakter moves a few inches back and performs the anim, instead of sitting down in the air n the place he just is. best would be is you may enter PR:RP and have a look in there.

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