String array sizes

I just have a simple question:

Why some coder stop their strings size to [256].. i use to stop mine at [300], is that why my script is sometimes unstable?


I recommend string sizes 128 or lower. 300 is way too much and in-efficient for your script.

The string size means how many characters/letters are going to be in your string/message. You can always use at least [50] for small text strings, but remember: if a player's name and id with a message all appear in one string/line, I would recommend a bigger string size, like 128, not 50.

300 is useless, in-efficient and uses up a lot of computer resources.

In this case,256 = cells,In Other Words,if you define 256,you can use 256 letters.

You can use this: to count the you letters,to not wasting cells.

Obviously defining smaller string arrays will reduce memory usage. It will not change cpu usage.

To answer the original question, the number 256 is a nice round number in coding terms because it is 2 ^ 8 or
2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 256

This does not make it in any way a better default size for string arrays

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