[INFO]I do not know and decide ..

I could use that system for a GM Freeroam? mysql or Y_Ini ?

which gammode you are using? tell us more so we ca help

I do not download. I do. I still have not started anything

Dude, what the hell are you talking about?
You're not saying even a proper sentence!

Depends whether you like flat files or databases. I use flat files (ini in particular) but it depends on your script I suppose.

i use mysql.
it is verry good for my usercp ^^

By the way, if you use something like SII (an INI include), working with files for data storage is very easy, where as mySQL I think there is quite a bit more setup and more to learn to begin.

But like I said, it really depends on what you write and whether you really need one or the other.

You can't compare MySQL and Y_INI. One writes data to files, the other manages data through use of a databases. Their solely 2 different things. Y_INI is great for handling large amounts of data, and is arguably the best INI Parser at this moment. So it all comes down to personal preference.

SQL Lite, or MySQL

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