13.09.2011, 20:18
Последний раз редактировалось mathiashhg; 13.09.2011 в 20:52.
Hello I know this is not from SA-MP It is Garry's Mod errors but i hope you can help me... I am going to make a Garry's Mod server but when i open the server i get some Lua errors
Im just gonna show 1 of them right now so if you guys can help then i'll post the rest :P It is at line 6; GAMEMODE.Checkpoints[self.ID] = self;. The error is "attempt to index field 'Checkpoints' (a nil value)"

ENT.Base = "base_brush" ENT.Type = "brush" function ENT:Initialize() self.ID = self.ID or 1; GAMEMODE.Checkpoints[self.ID] = self; end function ENT:StartTouch( Ent ) if !Ent:IsValid() or !Ent:IsPlayer() then return false; end if !Ent:GetNetworkedBool("IsCurrentlyRacing") or GetGlobalInt("TotalNumberCheckpoints") == Ent:GetNetworkedInt("CurrentCheckpoint") or !Ent:InVehicle() then if Ent:GetLevel() > 1 then Ent:Kill(); return false; end end if !Ent:IsRacing() then return false; end if self.ID == Ent:GetNetworkedInt("CurrentCheckpoint") + 1 then GAMEMODE.PlayerTables[Ent].GoingWrongWay = false; if self.ID == GetGlobalInt("TotalNumberCheckpoints") then if game.GetMap() == "gmr_black" then PEAchievements.Update(Ent, "GMod Racer: Black Worshiper", 1); end Ent:SetNetworkedInt("RaceTime", CurTime() - GAMEMODE.RaceStartTime); GAMEMODE.NumberPeopleFinished = GAMEMODE.NumberPeopleFinished + 1; local NumFinish = GAMEMODE.NumberPeopleFinished - GAMEMODE.NumberPeopleDestroyed; if NumFinish == 1 then local Query, Success, E = MySQLQuery(SiteDatabaseConnection, "SELECT `WINS` FROM `gmr_wins` WHERE `STEAMID`='" .. StripForHTTP(Ent:SteamID()) .. "'"); if Success then if #Query > 0 then MySQLQuery(SiteDatabaseConnection, "UPDATE `gmr_wins` SET `WINS`='" .. (tonumber(Query[1][1]) + 1) .. "', `NAME`='" .. StripForHTTP(Ent:Nick()) .. "' WHERE `STEAMID`='" .. StripForHTTP(Ent:SteamID()) .. "'"); else MySQLQuery(SiteDatabaseConnection, "INSERT INTO `gmr_wins` (`WINS`, `STEAMID`, `NAME`) VALUES ('1', '" .. StripForHTTP(Ent:SteamID()) .. "', '" .. StripForHTTP(Ent:Nick()) .. "')"); end end end local CashToGrant = (GAMEMODE.NumRacers - NumFinish) * GAMEMODE.PerCash; Ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "You earned $" .. tostring(CashToGrant) .. " for coming in " .. tostring(GAMEMODE.PlaceNames[NumFinish]) .. " place!"); if Ent:GetLevel() < 4 then local Extra = math.Round(CashToGrant / 4) CashToGrant = CashToGrant + Extra; Ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "You earned $" .. Extra .. " ( 25% ) bonus cash for being an Admin!"); elseif Ent:GetLevel() < 5 then local Extra = math.Round(CashToGrant / 4) CashToGrant = CashToGrant + Extra; Ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "You earned $" .. Extra .. " ( 25% ) bonus cash for being a VIP member!"); end Ent:AddCash(CashToGrant); local function KillPart ( v ) if v and v:IsValid() then v:Remove(); end end local Time = 0; for k, v in pairs(GAMEMODE.PlayerVehicles[Ent].Children) do if v and v:IsValid() then timer.Simple(Time, KillPart, v); Time = Time + .5; end end timer.Simple(Time, function ( ) if GAMEMODE.PlayerVehicles[Ent] and GAMEMODE.PlayerVehicles[Ent]:IsValid() then GAMEMODE.PlayerVehicles[Ent]:Remove(); end end); Ent:KillSilent(); if Ent:GetNetworkedInt("RaceTime") < Ent:GetNetworkedInt("MapRecord") then Ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "New Personal Record!"); Ent:SetNetworkedInt("MapRecord", Ent:GetNetworkedInt("RaceTime")); MySQLQuery(SiteDatabaseConnection, "UPDATE `gmr_records` SET `Time`='" .. Ent:GetNetworkedInt("RaceTime") .. "' WHERE `SteamID`='" .. Ent:SteamID() .. "' AND `Map`='" .. game.GetMap() .. "'"); local Return, Success, Error = MySQLQuery(SiteDatabaseConnection, "SELECT * FROM `gmr_records` WHERE `Map`='" .. game.GetMap() .. "' ORDER BY `Time` ASC LIMIT 10", mysql.QUERY_FIELDS); local TempCompareTop10 = ''; for k, v in pairs(Return) do TempCompareTop10 = TempCompareTop10 .. v['Time']; end if TempCompareTop10 != GAMEMODE.CompareTop10 then local OurPlace = 32; GAMEMODE.CompareTop10 = ''; for i, v in pairs(Return) do GAMEMODE.CompareTop10 = GAMEMODE.CompareTop10 .. v['Time']; if v['SteamID'] == Ent:SteamID() then OurPlace = tonumber(i); end SetGlobalString("MapRecords_" .. i .. "_Name", v['Name']); SetGlobalInt("MapRecords_" .. i .. "_Time", v['Time']); end if OurPlace != 32 then PEA_GMR_RecordBreaker(Ent); umsg.Start('NewRecord'); umsg.String(Ent:Name()); umsg.Short(math.floor(Ent:GetNetworkedInt("RaceTime"))); umsg.String(GAMEMODE.PlaceNames[OurPlace]); umsg.Short(OurPlace); umsg.End(); GAMEMODE.IsNewRecord = true; timer.Simple(GAMEMODE.NewRecordTime + 1, function ( ) GAMEMODE.IsNewRecord = false; end); end end end local FinishedMap = GAMEMODE.FinishRace(); if Ent:GetUsedPart("Radio") == 1 and !GAMEMODE.IsNewRecord then Ent:ConCommand("stopsounds"); end end Ent:SetNetworkedInt("CrossTime", CurTime()); Ent:SetNetworkedInt("CurrentCheckpoint", self.ID); GAMEMODE.PlayerTables[Ent].GoingWrongWay = false; elseif self.ID == Ent:GetNetworkedInt("CurrentCheckpoint") then umsg.Start("WrongWay", Ent); umsg.End(); GAMEMODE.PlayerTables[Ent].GoingWrongWay = true; end end function ENT:KeyValue ( Key, Value ) local LoweredKey = string.lower(Key); if LoweredKey == "number" then self.ID = tonumber(Value); GAMEMODE:UpdateNumCheckpoints(self.ID); end end function ENT:EndTouch( Ent ) end function ENT:Touch( Ent ) end function ENT:PassesTriggerFilters( Ent ) return Ent:IsPlayer() end function ENT:Think() end function ENT:OnRemove() end