23.08.2011, 17:29
Hi, I am using sscanf2 and I have a problem with loading floats from mysql database:
In console, it prints only 0.0000000 etc... but in mysql log it shows real coordinates.. What could be the froblem?
sscanf(query,"p<|>ds[50]s[24]ddddffffffd", i, Bizz[i][name], Bizz[i][owner], Bizz[i][status], Bizz[i][type], Bizz[i][vault], Bizz[i][interior], Bizz[i][intx], Bizz[i][inty], Bizz[i][intz], Bizz[i][outx], Bizz[i][outy], Bizz[i][outz], Bizz[i][price]); printf("x: %f y: %f z: %f",Bizz[i][outx],Bizz[i][outy],Bizz[i][outz]);