Clan skins

Hello, guys help make the skins for a clan please, ie if you tag [HHT] that the skin is selected and there is no tag that says in chat that you are not in the clan for the clan skins ID 274,275,276 Sorry for bad english I'm from Russia.I helped a good chelvoek, there you are:

new playerName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
GetPlayerName( playerid, playerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
if( strfind( "[HHT]", playerName, true ) != -1 )
if( GetPlayerSkin( playerid ) == 274 || GetPlayerSkin( playerid ) == 275 || GetPlayerSkin( playerid ) == 276 )
ForceClassSelection( playerid );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, 0.00 );
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "You can use this skin becouse you are not in clan 'HHT' !" );

= (When I put the tag [HHT], and chose me to kill the skin, and if I have any other nickname you selected skins, and I need to just [HHT] could select these skins

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