[GameMode] Xtreme Kakashi V2 [DEMO!] [ALL BUGS FIXED!]

Xtreme Kakashi V2 [DEMO!]

Link Renew Edition

Hi this is my 2nd Gamemode Now without Bugs

This is My Gamemode V2 Demo this is not full done on Next Release
It should be still V2 but this time Full Version
The V1 Has Many Bugs Like when you kill the player, the gametext will not disappear forever
Also THeres Bug on /vcontrol i fixed all on V2 Demo!

Current Version : V2 Demo

How to install the gamemode?

1.)Copy the files from winwar
2.)Put it to your server folder
3.)Edit the server name, RCON Pass And All
4.)Have Fun!

Command Still The Same Added New One!
New Commands: /pm /rkshop /shop
Removed Commands : /testadmininfo /vcontrol

The Same Added With Rules Dialog
When you accept the rules you have 5 score points + 500000 Money
When you ignore it the system will kick you
Shop System Made in Dialog
2 New Shop System - Rock Hotel Shop System And Market 24/7 Shop System

All Bugs Fixed The ZCMD Bugs is not Bug it is a problem

So The Answer is No Bugs Founded if you found bug post on
The Gamemode Topic at SAMP Forum >>> Gamemodes

Still To Me

Thank you for downloading my latest V2 Demo Gamemode

The info is short because all bugs are to short LOL


Download Link:


Have Nice Day With My Gamemode

Note: Dont Edit /credits command and say it as your own i saw some server using my gamemode script they say the gamemode is own by them I warning you if i notice you steal and say its your gamemode i will stop working gamemodes

Announcement: This Gamemode Has No Bug anymore I fixed it after i release the V1 So All Bugs Delete if you using my gamemode change it to V2 Demo its more cooler than the V1

Hey Is everybody here hello? Please Comment

Why didn't you edit your first thread, instead of creating a new one noob?

@svaba I hate my first thread i love this new one but is my gamemode is cool?

nice i test it now

Seriously Kakashi? How about Extreme Naruto?

Why you release a demo and note a complete version

Originally Posted by KillCity
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Why you release a demo and note a complete version
I saw some server using a Buggy Gamemode From Me So I release the demo without gamemode
I remove some commands because its buggy

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